Indian Ocean Regional Decade Conference 2024
Bridging billions to BarcelonaAn Official Prelude to the 2024 Ocean Decade Conference
1-3 February 2024
Organized by Decade Collaborative Centre for the Indian Ocean Region (DCC-IOR)Under the Ambit of UN Ocean Decade (2021-30)
Hosted at
Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS), Hyderabad, India
With technical support of Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC), UNESCO
Sponsored by Ministry of Earth Sciences (Government of India)
The United Nations General Assembly, in its 72nd session, proclaimed the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030 (referred to as 'the Ocean Decade'). The Ocean Decade aims to achieve the seven outcomes of a Clean ocean, a Healthy and Resilient ocean, a Productive ocean supporting sustainable food supply and a sustainable ocean economy, a Predicted ocean where society understands and can respond to changing ocean conditions, a Safe ocean where life and livelihoods are protected from ocean-related hazards, an Accessible ocean with open and equitable access, to data, information and technology and innovation, and an Inspiring and Engaging ocean where society understands and values the ocean in relation to human well-being and sustainable development.
For these outcomes to become a reality, the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) UNESCO, which is overseeing the Ocean Decade implementation, developed the governance and coordination framework for the Decade to address the ten challenges viz., to Understand and beat marine pollution, Protect and restore ecosystems and biodiversity, Sustainably feed the global population, Develop a sustainable and equitable ocean economy, Unlock ocean-based solutions to climate change, Increase community resilience to ocean hazards, Expand the global ocean observing system, Create a digital representation of the ocean, Skills, knowledge and technology for all and Change humanity's relationship with the ocean.
As part of the Ocean Decade framework, INCOIS proposed 'Decade Collaborative Centre for Indian Ocean Region (DCC-IOR)' has been endorsed by IOC and India on its part has constituted through Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) the National Decade Coordination Committee (NDCC) to address Ocean Decade Actions at the national level by providing scientific coordination and planning, identifying collaboration opportunities, awareness raising and stakeholder engagement apart from interacting with the Decade Coordination Unit at IOC. The DCC-IOR, as its part of commitment, is organizing the 'Indian Ocean Regional Decade Conference 2024: Bridging Billions to Barcelona', an Official Prelude to the Ocean Decade Conference-2024' with the following objectives.
1. To involve and engage stakeholders of the Indian Ocean Region in Ocean Decade activities.
2. To provide a platform for deliberating on the future priorities for the Ocean Decade Challenges that are emerging via the Vision 2030 process with focus to the IOR and feed regional inputs to the 2024 Ocean Decade Conference in Barcelona in April 2024.
3. To interact and network among the IOR stake holders including the national decade coordination committees of the Region.
4. To provide a platform to voice the concerns and expectations of the stakeholders from ECOPS, Academicians, Industries, Social Scientists, NGOs and other ocean stakeholders.
Conference Sessions
It is planned to have technical sessions on ten ocean decade challenges, National Decade Collaborative Committees and Early career ocean professionals (ECOPS) and other stakeholders including industry. In addition, a provision would be made for government institutional and private industry exhibits used in ocean observations.
Click Here for detailed Agenda

Forenoon: 0900-1000 Registration |
Forenoon: 1000-1300 |
Forenoon: 1000-1300 |
Forenoon: 1000-1300 |
Afternoon: 1400- |
Afternoon: 1400-1700 Evening: 1730-1830 |
Afternoon: 1400- |
A wide range of representation is expected from the participants of international, regional, and national entities engaged in ocean related activities in various forms and activities. However, to keep the discussions and deliberations focused on UN Ocean Decade 2021-2030, participation in the regional conference is by invitation and nomination only.
The conference schedule would be such that it provides ample scope for one-to-one interaction and networking through side events, over tea and lunch/dinner breaks as well as during the technical sessions that include panel discussion.
A Visit by the interested participants to the Tsunami Early Warning Centre and other facilities at INCOIS would be an added attraction during the conference period.
To encourage a wider participation and promotion of awareness of UN Ocean Decade among the ECOPs,
and participation from LDCs and SIDS, conference registration fee would be mandatory for institutional
and industry nominees. Institutional and Industry Exhibiters are encouraged to display their products
with pre-fixed sponsorship, details of which will be available in the coming days.
Registrations are closed !!
Accomodation at hotels
INCOIS has negotiated special rates for accommodation for the IORDC-2024 participants at the hotels given below. As hotel accommodation in February-2024 is in high demand in Hyderabad, INCOIS advises participants to book their accommodation well in advance on or before 15 January, 2024 by contacting the hotel management directly with the subject IORDC-2024 Accommodation to invoke special accommodation rates. INCOIS also advises the participants to inform their accommodation details for transportation arrangements from selected hotels. The participants should pay their accommodation charges at the respective hotels. The special rates for accommodation are valid only for the conference period, and the hotel rooms are available on a first-come-first-served basis.
If the delegate wants to cancel the confirmed booking, he/she can directly contact the hotel and the cancellation charges are applicable as per the respective policy of the mentioned hotels.
INCOIS has already made transportation arrangements (Pickup & Drop) between the following hotels and the conference venue. The participants should make their own arrangement for transport from Airport to Hotel and back. The participants booking their accommodation in the other hotels will have to arrange their own transportation.
Click here for Hotels Details
About the City of Hyderabad and INCOIS
Contact and Web Links
Dr. Srinivasa Kumar T (Head, DCC-IOR)
INCOIS, Ocean Valley, Pragathi Nagar, Hyderabad-500090, India.