Indian Ocean Regional Decade Conference 2024

Bridging billions to Barcelona

An Official Prelude to the 2024 Ocean Decade Conference

1-3 February 2024

Conclusive and valedictory

Date: 3 Feb, 2024,
Session: Afternoon (1400-1530 IST)
Session Co-Chairs:
  • Dr. Vladimir Ryabinin, Executive Secretary of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO and Assistant Director-General of UNESCO
  • Dr. M. Ravichandran, Secretary to the Government of India for Ministry of Earth Sciences
  • Dr. Shailesh Nayak, Former Secretary to the Government of India for Ministry of Earth Sciences and Director, NIAS
Session Coordinators and Rapporteur: TBD
Venue: Atal Bhavan (ITCOO), First Floor, Hall-1 (Plenary Hall)


Program Agenda

1400-1405 IST Dr. T. Srinivasa Kumar, Director, INCOIS will welcome Dr. Vladimir Ryabinin (online) and Dr. M. Ravichandran and Dr. Shailesh Nayak to the Dias. He will request them to be co-chairs of the conclusion and valedictory session. He will invite Presenters / Session Chairs to the Dias. He will request Dr. Ravichandran to coordinate the presentations on key takeaways to Barcelona and feedback on the white papers
1405-1415 IST Summary of Session 1 on Challenges 1, 2 & 5 - Dr. K. Ramakrishna, WHOI, USA (also on behalf of Dr. Shubha & Aileen TAN)
1415-1425 IST Summary of Session 2 on Challenges 3 & 4 - Dr. Peter M. Haugan, IMR, Norway (also on behalf of Erik Olsen)
1425-1435 IST Summary of Session 3 on Challenges 6, 7 & 8 - Dr. Nadia Pinardi, Head, DCC-CR, Italy (also on behalf of Nick D'Adamo & Enrique Alvarez)
1435-1445 IST Summary of Session 4 on Challenges 9 & 10 - Dr. Justin Ahanhanzo, IOC or Dr. Raghu Murtugudde
1445-1455 IST Summary of Indian Ocean Regional Special Session - Dr. T. Srinivasa Kumar, INCOIS, India
1455-1505 IST Summary of NDCs Special Session - Dr. Justin Ahanhanzo, IOC
1505-1510 IST Summary of ECOPs Session - Eric Raes
1510-1520 IST Key takeaways to Barcelona by Dr. Vladimir Ryabinin, Executive Secretary, IOC of UNESCO
1520-1525 IST Concluding Remarks by Dr. Shailesh Nayak
1525-1530 IST Vote of Thanks