Indian Ocean Regional Decade Conference 2024

Bridging billions to Barcelona

An Official Prelude to the 2024 Ocean Decade Conference

1-3 February 2024

Inaugural and Plenary session

Date: 1 Feb, 2024
Session: Forenoon (0900-1300h IST)





1000-1005 IST Lighting of lamp and Invocation
1005-1010 IST Dr. Srinivasa Kumar T INCOIS, India Welcome Address
1010-1015 IST Ms. Alison Clausen IOC-UNESCO, France Ocean Decade
1015-1020 IST Dr Yutaka Michida IOC-UNESCO Chairperson Special Remarks
1020-1040 IST Mr. Vishal V. Sharma, India's Ambassador/ Permanent Representative of India to UNESCO Special Remarks
1040-1100 IST Dr. Vladimir Ryabinin IOC-UNESCO, France Address on Ocean Decade
1100-1110 IST Dr. Ravichandran M Ministry of Earth Sciences, India Inaugural Address
1110-1130 IST Inauguaration of Exhibition and High Tea
1130-1150 IST Dr. Shubha Sathyendranath Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK Plenary 1 - Ocean Health
1150-1210 IST Dr. Nadia Pinardi,Decade Collaborative Centre for Coastal Resilience, Italy Plenary 2 - Community Resilience
1210-1230 IST Dr. Kilaparti Ramakrishna Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA Plenary 3 - Climate and Oceans
1230-1250 IST Dr. Peter M. Haugan,Institute of Marine Research, Norway Plenary 4 - Policy and Ocean Governance
1250-1300 IST Discussion and Conclusion

Session Coordinators: Dr. E Pattabhi Rama Rao, INCOIS, India