The UN Ocean Decade
Ocean Decade Vision: 'The science we need for the ocean we want.'
Ocean Decade Mission: 'Transformative ocean science solutions for sustainable development, connecting people and our ocean.'
Launched in January 2021, the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030), the 'Ocean Decade', provides a convening framework for a wide range of stakeholders across the world to engage and collaborate outside their traditional communities to trigger nothing less than a revolution in ocean science. Throughout the Ocean Decade, partners will generate the data, information and knowledge needed for more robust science-informed policies and stronger science-policy interfaces at global, regional, national and even local levels. By collectively aligning research, investments and initiatives around a set of common challenges, the Ocean Decade community will contribute to a well functioning, productive, resilient, sustainable and inspiring ocean.
More on the Ocean Decade:

Photo Courtesy: Griffin Wooldridge, Pexels

Photo Courtesy: Elianne Dipp, Pexels
Decade Collaborative Centres
Decade Collaborative Centres (DCCs) and Decade Coordination Offices (DCOs) provide dedicated long-term support to coordinate Decade Actions at the regional (i.e. around major Ocean basins) or thematic (i.e. around Decade Challenges) levels. They support Decade Actions with capacity development, communications, tracking of progress and resource mobilisation, as well as catalysing new partnerships and initiatives as part of the Decade. DCCs and DCOs enhance collaboration, promote effective co-design and uptake of science, and optimize the use of resources among the diverse stakeholders that contribute to the Ocean Decade.
More on DCCs and DCOs:
Decade Collaborative Centre for the Indian Ocean Region
The Indian Ocean Region is home to over one fifth of humanity, ranging from the east coast of Africa to coast of western Australia and from the southern continental coast of Asia to Antarctic waters. Marine spatial planning is only used by a small number of nations and the region is relatively poorly charted outside of the EEZs. DCC-IOR is to have a regional focus for the entire Indian Ocean Region. It will deliver the resources, skills and expertise to work with a diverse international community to help them deliver Decade Actions, create new ones, and catalyse the change that is needed to address the challenges in this very significant part of the global ocean. DCC-IOR contributes to all ten thematic Ocean Challenges in the Indian Ocean Region, with a particular focus on the following Challenges that have been identified as priorities for the region: 3 - Sustainably feed the global population, 6 – Increase community resilience to ocean hazards, 7 – Expand the global ocean observing system and 9 - Skills, knowledge and technology for all.

Photo Courtesy: Lara Jameson, Pexels
Team Members

Dr. T. Srinivasa Kumar
Director, INCOIS and he champions the DCC-IOR and leads the team of motivated individuals and guides the entire activity spectrum of DCC-IOR.

Dr. TVS Uday Bhaskar (Uday)
Scientist at INCOIS and designated coordinator of the DCC-IOR. He heads two divisions 'Ocean Data Management' (ODM) & 'Programme Planning & Coordination and Capacity Development' (PPC) of INCOIS. He is also the Manager, ITCOocean (a UNESCO C2C) and INCOIS focal for IODE activities (including OTGA and Argo programs).

Mr. Nagaraja Kumar (Nagaraja)
Scientist of INCOIS, heading the division of 'Operational Ocean Services' (OOS) which is backbone and soul of INCOIS due to its end-to-end nature. . He is serving as Secretary, IOGOOS and Manager INCOIS international interface.

Dr. V. N. Rao Pamaraju (Rao), Consultant, DCC-IOR
An eminent scientist from remote sensing field. Prior to his superannuation he was an Outstanding Scientist and Dy. Director for the Area of Earth & Climate Sciences and the Area of Remote Sensing Applications at 's National Remote Sensing Centre or NRSC, ISRO, Hyderabad. He was a Sr. Imagery Analyst for nearly 6 years at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna.

Dr. Nimit Kumar (Nimit), Project Scientist, DCC-IOR
with a rich experience in ocean science, incl. with INCOIS since 2011 and regularly serving ITCOocean (UNESCO C2C) since its establishment in 2013. He is an alumnus of NF-POGO since about two decades. He is PORSEC alumni since INCOIS hosted it in 2012 and part of its executive board since 2017. He is also one of the founders of the Indian Ocean EC network in 2015 (IIOE-2 ECSN). He manages DCC-IOR and India NDC groups on Ocean Decade Network (prev., GSF) and is focal to the OD communication team/group.
Governing Board
S.No | Name | Role |
1 | Dr. M. Ravichandran, Secretary, MoES, India | Chairman |
2 | Dr. Srinivasa Kumar T. Head, DCC-IOR & Director, INCOIS, India | Co-chair Member |
3 | Dr. Sophie Seeyave, PML & CEO, POGO, UK | Member |
4 | Dr. Shubha Sathyendranath, PML & Chair, IOCCG, UK | Member |
5 | Dr. Enrique Alvarez, Head, OceanPredict-DCC, France | Member |
6 | Dr. Nadia Pinardi, Head, Coastal Resilience-DCC, Itlay | Member |
7 | Prof. Heather Koldewey, Lead, Bertarelli Foundation's, UK | Member |
8 | Ms Maeve Nightingale, Lead, BOBLME II, IUCN | Member |
9 | Dr. Fehmi Dilmahamod, GEOMAR, Germany | Member |
10 | Dr. Danielle Su, DHI Water & Env., Singapore | Member |
11 | Dr. Juliet Hermes, SAEON, WCRP | Member |
12 | Dr. Jenny Huggett, DEA, South Africa | Member |
13 | Dr. Nick D'Adamo, Rep., IndOOS, Australia | Member |
14 | Prof. Dwikorita Karnawati, Head, BMKG, Indonesia | Member |
15 | Dr. Mohammed Rezah Badal, DG, PMO, Mauritius | Member |
16 | Dr. Michelle Heupel, Director, IMOS, Australia | Member |
17 | Ocean Decade Network Manager, IOC-UNESCO, Paris | Observer |
Established in 1999, the Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) is an autonomous body under the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES), Govt. of India. INCOIS is mandated to provide the best possible ocean information and advisory services to society, industry, government agencies and the scientific community through sustained ocean observations and constant improvements through systematic and focussed research.
INCOIS has a prominent international presence, being a permanent member of the Indian delegation to IOC of UNESCO and a founding member of the Indian Ocean Global Ocean Observing System (IOGOOS) and the Partnership for Observing the Oceans (POGO) which is actively engaged in capacity building and international exchange of students and researchers. INCOIS houses the IOGOOS secretariat, the Sustained Indian Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research (SIBER) International Programme Office, and Second International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE-2) Project Office. Through the Regional Integrated Multi-Hazard Early Warning System for Africa and Asia (RIMES), INCOIS provides ocean information and forecasts to member countries. INCOIS is also a member of the Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment (GODAE) OceanView Science Team (GOVST) and Patron’s Group. This places INCOIS as a natural candidate for hosting the Decade-Collaborative Centre for the Indian Ocean Region.
More about INCOIS:
India NDC
Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) has taken a proactive role by constituting a National Decade Coordination Committee (NDCC) involving various national institutions and stakeholders, to coordinate existing activities and develop new programs at the national level to meet the objectives and goals of ocean decade and also to enhance national access to Decade benefits.
The kickoff meeting of the "Ocean Decade" in India was held on 3rd February 2021 on the occasion on INCOIS Foundation Day and was preceded by the foundation day lecture by Executive Director of International Oceanographic Commission (IOC) Dr. Vladimir Ryabinin wherein he provided a broad overview of the "Ocean Decade", its objectives, goals and implementation plans. It was followed by the 1st meeting of NDCC. The NDCC overwhelmingly welcomed India's support to the "Ocean Decade" considering the important role it will play in meeting the SDG-14 targets by 2030.
More about India NDC:

Photo Courtesy: Navneet Shanu, Pexels