Indian Ocean Regional Decade Conference 2024

Bridging billions to Barcelona

An Official Prelude to the 2024 Ocean Decade Conference

1-3 February 2024

Challenge: 9 Skills, knowledge and technology for all

Date: 3 Feb, 2024,
Session: Forenoon (1000-1300h IST)
Session Chair: Dr. Justin Ahanhanzo
Rapporteur: Dr. B. Rohith, INCOIS
Session Coordinators: Dr. Uday Bhaskar TVS, INCOIS, India + International expert TBD
Venue: Atal Bhavan (ITCOO), First Floor, Hall-1 (Plenary Hall).





1000-1030 IST Dr. Justin Ahanhanzo. Programme Specialist, IOC Secretariat, France Vision 2030 White Paper of the Challenge
1030-1045 IST Dr. TVS Udaya Bhaskar,Scientist G & Head, Ocean Data Management Capacity development activities through ITCOocean: C2C of UNESCO
1045-1100 IST Dr. Nurul H Idris,Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia Integrating the virtual and physical workshops to increase capacity in the use of remote sensing technology for ocean-climate resilience
1100-1115 IST Ms Shashowti Chowdhury Riya, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Bangladesh Coastal Ecosystem Monitoring Through Transferring of Knowledge and Technology to Citizen
1115-1130 IST Dr. Maneesha Sudheer, Amrita University, India Empowering coastal communities through skill development, knowledge sharing , and advancing technology.
1130-1200 IST High Tea
1200-1215 IST Prof. Aidy M Muslim,Institute of oceanography and Environment , Universiti Malaysia Terengganu Malaysia) Capacity Development within the IODE framework
1215-1245 IST Speakers of the session along with,
  • Dr. Nimit Kumar (Lead, DECCaD-IO)
  • Ms Debarati Sengupta, ECOP India node
  • Dr. Balla Maggero, Head, R&D Department, Institute of Meteorological Training & Research, Kenya
Panel Discussion
1245-1300 IST Session Summary and Conclusion

Vision 2030 White Paper for Challenge 9: Download
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