Indian Ocean Regional Decade Conference 2024

Bridging billions to Barcelona

An Official Prelude to the 2024 Ocean Decade Conference

1-3 February 2024

IOCINDIO-led Special Session : Synergizing Regional Frameworks of the IOR

Date: 2 Feb, 2024,
Session: Forenoon (1000-1300h IST)
Session Chair: Dr.T. Srinivasa Kumar (INCOIS)/Justin Ahanhanzo (IOC-UNESCO)
Rapporteur: Dr. Nurul Hazrina Binti Idris, UTM, Johor Bahru, Malaysia
Session Coordinators: Dr. Nimit Kumar, DCC-IOR (INCOIS)
Venue: Atal Bhavan (ITCOO), Ground Floor, Hall-3 (Breakout Room)





1000-1015 IST Dr. Maryam Ghaemi,Vice-Chair IOCINDIO,Iranian National Institute for Oceanography and Atmospheric Science, Iran. Virtual Keynote(IOCINDIO)
1015-1030 IST Dr. Atmanand MA, Former Chair IOCINDIO & former Director NIOT Invited talk:IOCINDIO Contributions to the UN Decade: The Road from Chennai '2020 to Barcelona '2024 via Hyderabad '2024
1030-1045 IST Mr. E Pattabhi Rama Rao, Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services Invited talk
1045-1100 IST Dr. Marie Alexandrine Sicre, Past President of the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) Invited talk (IIOE-2)
1100-1115 IST Dr. Jenny Huggett, Oceans and Coasts, Dept. of Forestry, Fisheries & Environment, South Africa Invited talk (SIBER)
1115-1130 IST Dr. K. J. Ramesh Regional Integrated Multi-Hazards Early Warning Systems, Secretariat based in Bangkok Invited talk (RIMES)
1130-1200 IST High Tea
1200-1300 IST Discussions

IOCINDIO Partners and programmes: IIOE-2, IORA, RIMES (Regional Integrated Multi-hazards Early Warning Systems based in Bangkok); IOGOOS, IOTEWS

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