Indian Ocean Regional Decade Conference 2024

Bridging billions to Barcelona

An Official Prelude to the 2024 Ocean Decade Conference

1-3 February 2024

NDC Special Session : Harmonizing NDCs of the IOR and beyond

Date: 3 Feb, 2024,
Session: Forenoon (1000-1300h IST)
Session Chair: Dr Matt Frost, Head of International Office, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK
Session Coordinator and Rapporteur: Dr. Rao Pamaraju, Consultant, DCC-IOR and rep., India NDC
Venue: Atal Bhavan (ITCOO), Ground Floor, Hall-3 (Breakout Room)





1000-1030 IST Dr Matt Frost FMBA Head of International Office, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK Keynote
1030-1045 IST Dr. Maryam Ghaemi Iranian National Institute for Oceanography and Atmospheric Science Invited talk
1045-1100 IST Dr. Rukia Abdallah Kitula IMS, University of Dar-Es-Salam, Tanzania Invited talk
1100-1115 IST Dr. Rao Pamaraju Consultant, DCC-IOR and rep., India NDC Invited talk
1115-1130 IST Mr. Busumprah Peter Teye, Officer, Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture Development, Ghana Invited talk
1130-1200 IST High Tea
1200-1215 IST Dr. Krishnan P, Director Bay of Bengal Program, India Invited talk
1215-1245 IST Speakers of the session along with,
  • Mr. Tsirilaza Benjamin, ITEC trainee, Madagascar / WIOMSA rep.
  • Mrs Nabeela Al Bulushi, ITEC trainee, Oman
  • Dr Munandar, ITEC trainee, Indonesia
  • Panel Discussion with ECOPs from countries having established NDC
    1245-1300 IST Session Summary and Conclusion

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