ISPRS WG VIII/1 - Disaster and Risk Reduction
Jointly with: Indian Society of Geomatics (ISG) and Indian Society of Remote Sensing (ISRS)
J.K. Lakshmipat University, Jaipur
Indian Society of Geomatics, Jaipur Chapter
The International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) is a non-govern mental organization devoted to the development of international cooperation for the advancement of photogrammetry and remote sensing and their applications. Established in 1910, ISPRS is the oldest international umbrella organization in its field, which may be summarized as addressing "information from imagery". It has eight Technical Commissions and one of the Commissions, TC-VIII, is devoted to 'Remote Sensing Applications and Policies'. Under the auspices of TC-VIII, nine Working Groups have been working towards its broad mission.The Working Group-1 is dedicated towards disaster and Risk Reduction and mainly on providing information support for disaster and risk reduction: Early warning systems, impact assessment, monitoring,develop resilience and risk reduction.
During the ISPRS inter-sessional period(2012-2016), each working group is mandated to conduct a workshop in the odd years (2013 and 2015) and the symposium in even years (2014). Our working group successfully organised a technical session in the TC VIII symposium held at Hyderabad in 2014. We also successfully organised a workshop at INCOIS in 2013 and have explored opportunities for organizing another workshop before the end of 2015. It is found that ISRS and ISG are organizing a national symposium during 16-18th December at Jaipur ( This will be attended by more than 400 participants from India (majority) and abroad. During this event, proposed ISPRS event will be organized as an independent side event to address the objectives of WG-1 and emerging societal needs.
In view of the recent disaster in Nepal due to earthquake and landslides triggered by it, flood and cyclone in South Asia including Hudhud cyclone, Tsunamis,and extreme climate induced disasters in Himalaya, it is imperative to explore and apply space technology to reduce the impact of such disasters and mainstream remedial measures in development planning. Towards this, the most fundamental need is development of early warning systems, weather forecast models as stated by various stake holders including government agencies dealing with disaster management. Second most important aspect is improving quality of disaster response based on EO and GIS support as provided by various international (International Charter on Disasters) and national agencies. The whole idea is to optimize the space support during disaster preparedness and response to show how EO and GIS can make a difference in mitigation.
This workshop would like to address these issues and promote exchange of experience between experts,planners and stake holders involved in disaster management in South Asia.
Theme-1: Spatial Database for Disaster Management
Theme-2: Spatial modelling for risk assessment
Theme-3: Landslide hazard and risk analysis
Theme-4: Earthquake hazard and risk analysis
Theme-5: Flood,coastal and oceanogenic hazard analysis
Theme-6: Space technology for disaster preparedness and response
Theme-7: Early warning system for disaster management and weather forecasting
Abstracts of original research paper(s) covering one or more of the above topics are invited for presentation (either oral or poster) in the workshop. Abstracts not exceeding 1000 words to be submitted electronically to the Workshop Secretariat (, by November 21, 2015. The Abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee for selection and author(s) will be intimated about the acceptance and presentation either in oral or in interactive session by December 02, 2015.
The deadline for submission of full paper based on the accepted abstract is December 07, 2015. The full length papers should be prepared according to the ISPRS guidelines for preparing manuscripts ( and should not exceed 6 pages in length.Full papers will be published in a special volume
The workshop will be useful for students, academicians, researchers, technologists and administrators/planners involved in themes mentioned above.
There is no separate registration for the workshop, authors and participants are requested to register for the National Symposium on "Geomatics for Digital India", which is being organized by ISG and ISRS in the beautiful pink city of Jaipur (Rajasthan) during 16-18 December, 2015 (Wednesday to Friday). This mega event is jointly hosted by J.K. Lakshmipat University Jaipur and Indian Society of Geomatics, Jaipur Chapter. Symposium details are available at:
Chair: Dr. Vinay Kumar Dadhwal, President, ISPRS TC VIII and Director, NRSC, Hyderabad
Co-Chair: Dr. P.G. Diwakar, Deputy Director (RSA), NRSC, Hyderabad
Dr. T. Srinivasa Kumar, Chair, ISPRS WG-VIII/1
Dr. Cees Van Westen, Co-Chair, ISPRS WG-VIII/1
Dr. Fabio Giulio Tonolo, Co-Chair, ISPRS WG-VIII/1
Prof.A.K.Saraf,IIT Roorkee
Dr. P.K. Champati ray, Secretary, ISPRS WG-VIII/1
Dr. M.V.R. Sesha Sai, Vice President, ISPRS TC VIII
Mr. P.L.N. Raju, Secretary, ISPRS TC VIII
Mr. V. Bhanumurthy, Group Director, DMSG, NRSC, Hyderabad
Dr. A.S. Rajawat, Group Head, Geosciences, SAC, Ahmedabad
Dr. G. Srinivasa Rao, Head, DMSG, NRSC, Hyderabad
Dr. J.V. Thomas, Manager, DMSP, ISRO HQ, Bangalore
Mr.R.S.Mahendra,Scientist Incharge,Coastal Geospatial Application Mission,INCOIS
Dr. T. Srinivasa Kumar, Chair, ISPRS WG-VIII/1
Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services
Ocean Valley, Pragathi Nagar (BO), Nizampet (SO),
Hyderabad - 500 090, India
Ph: +91-40-23895006 / 23886006
Fax: +91-40-23895001