ESSO - Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services

(An Autonomous Body under the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India)


Ocean Modeling, Applied Research & Services (OMARS) Group
Dr. T M Balakrishnan Nair, Scientist 'G' is designated as Group Director, Ocean Modelling, Applied Research & Services (OMARS), and will oversee three (3) divisions with the following key responsibilities and scientific personnel:
Scientist-G & Group Director, OMARS

Scientist-G & Division Head, ARO

Scientist-F & Division Head, OMDA

Scientist-F Division Head, OOS

Key Responsibilities :
  • Applied Research: Pursue focussed R&D aimed at improvement of existing products/ services (PFZ, CBA, HAB, TEW, SSEW, OSF, HWA, MSAR, OST, etc) including impact-based forecasting.
  • Research to Operations: Collaborate with research / modeling / observations / technology / operations / user teams to improve existing products / services and develop new products / services for operational use.
  • Product Validation: Conduct validation of operational and new products / services, publish reports and provide feedback to research and modelling teams to aid continuous enhancements.
  • Provide backstopping for operational services division, as "on-call" staff during early warning events and transition of new products / services to operational mode.
Scientific Personnel :
Senior Research Fellow
Junior Research Fellow
Junior Research Fellow
Junior Research Fellow
Junior Research Fellow
Key Responsibilities :

Implementation of the unified ocean modelling and forecasting framework in support of institutional and national mandate including Ocean Modelling and Advisory Services and Deep Ocean Mission.

  • Global/regional models for simulation of Ocean General Circulation for ocean analysis/Reanalysis
  • Coastal/shelf sea/estuary models for specific applications
  • Biogeochemical modeling for global, regional and coastal applications
  • Downscaling of atmospheric forcing to force high-resolution models, etc.
  • Couple ocean models with regional atmosphere models, wave models, etc.
  • Data assimilation in ocean general circulation and wave models
  • Evaluation and synthesis of observations and model simulations for model improvements
  • Porting, integration and pre-processing and post-processing of models / products for operational use
Scientific Personnel :
Senior Research Fellow
Junior Research Fellow
Junior Research Fellow
Junior Research Fellow
Senior Research Fellow
Junior Research Fellow
Junior Research Fellow
Junior Research Fellow
Junior Research Fellow
Junior Research Fellow
Junior Research Fellow
Junior Research Fellow
Junior Research Fellow
Key Responsibilities :
  • Operational delivery of all existing and new INCOIS services including:
    • Ecosystem Services
      • Potential Fishing Zone (PFZ)
      • Coral Bleaching Alert (CBA)
      • Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB)
    • Multi-Hazard Early Warning Services
      • Tsunami Early Warning (TEW)
      • Storm Surge Early Warning (SSEW)
      • Ocean State Forecast (OSF)
      • High Wave Alert (HWA)
      • Marine Search and Rescue (MSAR)
      • Oil Spill Trajectory (OST)
      • Marine Heat Wave (MHW)
      • Small Vessel Advisory Services (SVAS)
  • Integrated 24 x 7 operations for all services, including national and regional operational responsibilities of the Indian Tsunami Early Warning Centre.
  • Develop and adhere to Standard Operational Procedures (SOPs) for all services.
  • Generate and maintain daily reports of the functioning of operational data systems, hardware, software, Decision Support Systems and dissemination systems.
  • Maintain and update dissemination lists of operational users for all services.
  • Ensure competency development of operational staff for effective delivery of services, through the ITCO framework.
  • User Engagement: Strengthen interaction with users of INCOIS products / services to enhance awareness, build capacities, promote adoption, obtain feedback and future needs assessment through regular user interactions workshops, market research surveys, etc.
  • Commercialization: Develop a business model, including pricing and marketing strategies for value added products / services and consultancy services for national and international users, industry, etc.
Scientific Personnel :
Scientific Assistant-B
Scientific Assistant-B
Scientific Assistant-B
Scientific Assistant-B
Scientific Assistant-B
Scientific Assistant-B
Scientific Assistant-B
Scientific Assistant-B