ESSO - Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services

(An Autonomous Body under the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India)
Home ITCOocean Moored ADCP Data Processing using PyADPS Software

Moored ADCP Data Processing using PyADPS Software
during 20-24 January 2025
Organized by
International Training Centre for Operational Oceanography (ITCOocean)
INCOIS, Hyderabad, India.


Ocean currents are crucial to understanding the movement of heat, salt, nutrients, and marine organisms throughout the world's oceans. By measuring these currents, physical oceanographers can gain insights into various marine processes and phenomena.

The Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) is a valuable tool for measuring ocean currents. Unlike traditional current meters, ADCPs can profile currents throughout the water column. They are commonly deployed on both moving platforms (like ships and autonomous underwater vehicles) and stationary platforms (like buoys and tripods).

This course will focus on moored ADCPs from Teledyne RD Instruments. We will begin by exploring the principles of ADCP technology and the protocols for mooring them. Next, we will delve into the practical aspects of setting up an ADCP for deployment. Finally, we will introduce PyADPS, a user-friendly Python-based software for processing ADCP data. This software offers both a graphical interface for those new to Python and direct Python package access for experienced users. Please note that PyADPS is primarily designed for workhorse ADCP models, and other RDI models may require additional considerations.

Aims and objectives:

  • Provide an introduction to ADCP ocean observations in the Indian Ocean.
  • Provide hands-on experience in acquiring, processing, and analyzing ADCP data.
  • Performing Quality Control of the data.
  • Provide hand-on on using PyADPS software for handling ADCP data.
  • Learning Outcomes:

    • Understand the principles of ADCP.
    • Comprehend the structure of ADCP data files.
    • Effectively process and analyze ADCP data.
    • Course Pre-requisites:

      • Basic oceanography knowledge.
      • Laptop with Python, Conda, and Jupyter Notebook installed.
      • Essential Python packages: NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, Xarray.
      • Participants are encouraged to bring their own laptops for hands-on sessions involving data processing.
      • Target Audience:

        The target audience for this course includes, but is not limited to:

        • Postgraduate students.
        • Scientific/Technical staff involved in ocean data processing.
        • ADCP users.
        • Course Fees:

          • There is no course-fee. However, registration is required
          • Participants will be provided accommodation and food by ITCOOcean.
          • Participants will have to make own travel arrangements.
          • Note: Few participants who are in their master's degree will be provided travel support by means of shortest route by Train

            Application Process :

            Please fill the online application form. Registrations open on 01 December, 2024.

            Period for Applications: 01st - 25th December, 2024

            Applications closing on : December 25th, 2024 05:00 PM IST (GMT +05:30)

            Certificate: At the end of the course each successful participant will be provided with a certificate.

            Programme Dates: 20-24 January, 2025


            International Training Centre for Operational Oceanography (ITCOocean),
            Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS),
            Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India,
            "Ocean Valley", Pragathi Nagar (B.O), Nizampet (S.O),
            Hyderabad - 500 090, INDIA


            • Shankar D, Chief Scientist, CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography
            • Aparna S. G., Senior Principal Scientist, CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography
            • Amol Prakash, Senior Scientist, CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography
            • Jithin Abraham K, Scientist, CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography
            • Fernando Vijayan, Principal Technical Officer ( Retired ), CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography
            • Narayan Satelkar, Senior Technical Officer, CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography
            • Khalap Sadashiv, Senior Technical Officer, CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography
            • Tari A Prakash, Senior Technical Officer, CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography
            • Mithun Gaonkar, Senior Technical Officer, CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography
            • Course Coordinators:
              Dr. M S Girish Kumar & Dr. T V S Udaya Bhaskar

              For any queries please contact:

              • For any queries related to this course, contact:

              Schedule of Course:

              Tentative Schedule (liable to change until finalized):

              Time Day1(20 Jan 25) Day2(21 Jan 25) Day3(22 Jan 25) Day4(23 Jan 25) Day5(24 Jan 25)
              09:30 - 10:30
              Inaugural Session

              Opening remarks by the course Coordinator / Introduction to course work.
              (Lecturers: Shankar, Amol, Aparna)
              Introduction to Python
              (Lecturers: Aparna, Amol)
              Python Software (PyADPS) III - Graphical Interface
              (Lecturers: Amol, Gangesh, Aparna)
              Post Processing - Data gaps
              (Lecturer: Aparna, Amol, Jithin)
              ADCP Data in research and Development
              (Lecturers: Aparna, Amol)
              10:30 - 11:00
              TEA BREAK
              11:00 - 12:00
              Principles of ADCPs
              (Lecturers: Aparna, Amol)
              Introduction to Python
              (Lecturers: Aparna, Amol)
              Python Software (PyADPS) IV - Graphical Interface
              (Lecturers: Amol, Gangesh, Aparna)
              Post Processing - Tidal Analysis of ADCp data
              (Lecturers: Aparna, Amol, Jithin)
              ADCP Data in research and Development
              (Lecturers: Aparna, Amol)
              12:00 - 13:00
              ADCP moorings
              (Lecturers: Fernando, Narayan, Khalap)
              Python Software (PyADPS) I - Graphical Interface
              (Lecturers: Amol, Gangesh, Aparna)
              Introduction to Python Packages
              (Lecturers: Amol, Aparna)
              Post Processing - Periodograms
              (Lecturers: Aparna, Amol, Jithin)
              Revision and Summary
              (Lecturers: Shankar, Aparna, Amol, Gangesh)
              13:00 - 14:00
              LUNCH BREAK
              14:00 - 15:00
              Introduction to ADCP data processing
              (Lecturers: Aparna, Amol)
              Python Software (PyADPS) I - Graphical Interface
              (Lecturers: Amol, Gangesh, Aparna)
              Importing and plotting ADCP data with Python Packages
              (Lectures: Amol, Aparna)
              Post Processing - Wavelets
              (Lecturers: Aparna, Amol, Jithin)
              Feedback from the students. Closing remarks by the Co-coordinator / Resource persons
              15:00 - 16:00
              ADCP Configuration (Winsc)
              (Lecturers: Mithun, Prakash, Ashok)
              Python Software (PyADPS) II - Advance Processing
              (Lecturers: Amol, Gangesh, Aparna)
              Processing ADCP data - Practical Training Post Processing - Practical Session
              (Lecturers: Aparna, Amol, Jithin, Gangesh)
              Feedback from the students. Closing remarks by the Co- coordinator / Resource persons
              16:00 - 16:30
              TEA BREAK
              16:30 - 17:30
              Introduction to WinADCP Software
              (Lecturers: Mithun, Prakash, Ashok)
              Python Software (PyADPS) II - Advance Processing
              (Lecturers: Amol, Gangesh, Aparna)
              Processing ADCP data - Practical Training Post Processing - Practical Session
              (Lecturers: Aparna, Amol, Jithin, Gangesh) (Dr. V. Suneel and group)
              Visit to INCOIS labs