Note: Please check your Internet Explorer version. Go to Internet Explorer Menu Bar-> Help-> About Internet Explorer.

System Requirements
1.Internet Explorer - 6
2.Internet Explorer - 7
3.For Internet Explorer - 6 or Internet Explorer - 7, click here to change browser settings automaticaly.(Administrative rights on your client-machine needed)
4.Download JRE 1.6 (Internet Users)

(A) Security Settings for Internet Explorer - 6 to enable Digital Signatures
  • Follow this sample guide to change your Internet Explorer Security Settings. This will enable you to use your Digital Signature Certificate and to encrypt the bids.

  • 1. Ensure you have only one Internet Explorer Window open. Go to Tools->Internet Options.

  • 2. Click the Security Tab at the top. Click the Internet icon then click 'Custom      Level'

  • 3.   Make following settings :

    Automatic Prompting for ActiveX Controls ->Disable
    Binary and script behaviours ->Enable
    Download Signed ActiveX Controls ->Enable
    Download UnSigned ActiveX Controls ->Disable
    Initialize and Script Activex controls not marked as safe ->Enable
    Run ActiveX Controls and Plugins ->Enable
    Script Activex controls marked safe for scripting ->Enable
    Allow Scriptlets->Enable

          Reset custom settings to "Medium" or "Medium-high".

4. For uploading documents ensure the following Internet Explorer setting

  4.1  Go to Tools->Internet Options->Advanced :  Uncheck "Do not save encrypted pages to disk" under Security heading.

  4.2 After Installing JRE 1.6. Go to Tools->Internet Options->Advanced: Check "Use JRE 1.6.0 for Applet" under Java (Sun) heading.

  4.3 Setting Of Manage Add-ons

         Go to Tools->Manage Add-ons: Select "Add-ons that have been used by Internet Explorer" from the drop down and enable the          status of Add-ons Names as marked.


(B) Security Settings for Internet Explorer - 7 to enable Digital Signatures
  • Follow this sample guide to change your Internet Explorer Security Settings. This will enable you to use your Digital Signature Certificate and to encrypt the bids.

  • 1. Ensure you have only one Internet Explorer Window open. Go to Tools->Internet Options.

  • 2. Click the Security Tab at the top. Click the Internet icon then click 'Custom      Level'

  • 3.   Make following settings :

    Automatic Prompting for ActiveX Controls ->Disable
    Binary and script behaviours ->Enable
    Download Signed ActiveX Controls ->Enable
    Download UnSigned ActiveX Controls ->Disable
    Initialize and Script Activex controls not marked as safe ->Enable
    Run ActiveX Controls and Plugins ->Enable
    Script Activex controls marked safe for scripting ->Enable
    Allow Scriptlets ->Enable

          Reset custom settings to "Medium" or "Medium-high"..

4. For uploading documents ensure the following Internet Explorer setting

  4.1  Go to Tools->Internet Options->Advanced :  Uncheck "Do not save encrypted pages to disk" under Security heading.

  4.2 After Installing JRE 1.6. Go to Tools->Internet Options->Advanced: Check "Use JRE 1.6.0 for Applet" under Java (Sun)

  4.3 Setting Of Manage Add-ons

          Go to Tools->Manage Add-ons->Enable or Disable Add-ons: Select "Downloaded ActiveX Controls(32-bit)" from the drop           down and enable the status of Add-ons Names as marked.
