(A) Security Settings for Internet Explorer - 6 to enable Digital Signatures
Follow this sample guide to change your Internet Explorer Security Settings. This will enable you to use your Digital Signature Certificate and to encrypt the bids.
1. Ensure you have only one Internet Explorer Window open. Go to Tools->Internet Options.
2. Click the Security Tab at the top. Click the Internet icon then click 'Custom Level'
3. Make following settings :
Automatic Prompting for ActiveX Controls
Binary and script behaviours
Download Signed ActiveX Controls
Download UnSigned ActiveX Controls
Initialize and Script Activex controls not marked as safe
Run ActiveX Controls and Plugins
Script Activex controls marked safe for scripting
Allow Scriptlets
Reset custom settings to "Medium" or "Medium-high".
4.For uploading documents ensure the following Internet Explorer setting4.1 Go to Tools->Internet Options->Advanced : Uncheck "Do not save encrypted pages to disk" under Security heading.
4.2 After Installing JRE 1.6. Go to Tools->Internet Options->Advanced: Check "Use JRE 1.6.0 for Applet" under Java (Sun) heading.
4.3 Setting Of Manage Add-ons
Go to Tools->Manage Add-ons: Select "Add-ons that have been used by Internet Explorer" from the drop down and enable the status of Add-ons Names as marked.
(B) Security Settings for Internet Explorer - 7 to enable Digital Signatures
Follow this sample guide to change your Internet Explorer Security Settings. This will enable you to use your Digital Signature Certificate and to encrypt the bids.
1. Ensure you have only one Internet Explorer Window open. Go to Tools->Internet Options.
2. Click the Security Tab at the top. Click the Internet icon then click 'Custom Level'
3. Make following settings :
Automatic Prompting for ActiveX Controls
Binary and script behaviours
Download Signed ActiveX Controls
Download UnSigned ActiveX Controls
Initialize and Script Activex controls not marked as safe
Run ActiveX Controls and Plugins
Script Activex controls marked safe for scripting
Allow Scriptlets
Reset custom settings to "Medium" or "Medium-high"..
4.For uploading documents ensure the following Internet Explorer setting4.1 Go to Tools->Internet Options->Advanced : Uncheck "Do not save encrypted pages to disk" under Security heading.
4.2 After Installing JRE 1.6. Go to Tools->Internet Options->Advanced: Check "Use JRE 1.6.0 for Applet" under Java (Sun) heading.
4.3 Setting Of Manage Add-ons
Go to Tools->Manage Add-ons->Enable or Disable Add-ons: Select "Downloaded ActiveX Controls(32-bit)" from the drop down and enable the status of Add-ons Names as marked.