Title INCOIS - Regional Specialized Meteorological Centre (RSMC)
Model Description The INCOIS wave forecasting system uses the third-generation wind-wave modelling framework WAVEWATCH IIIĀ® (WW3) version 6.07. Operational runs were performed using surface wind data from the NCMRWF. This forecast system was developed and tested by INCOIS.
Horizontal resolution and Vertical levels 8Km x 8Km
Time range and Temporal resolution 3 hourly
Variables (units) Significant Wave height (m), Swell wave height (m), Wind Sea height(m), Mean wave period (s), Peak wave period (s), Swell period(s), Wind Sea period(s)

Significant wave height is defined as the average height of the highest one-third waves in a wave spectrum. Its value roughly approximates to visually observed wave height.

The mean wave period is the mean of all wave periods in a wave spectrum.

Peak wave period is the period of the dominant wave in the wave spectrum

Wind sea height is the significant wave heights of wind waves

Swell wave height is the Significant wave heights of swell waves

Mean period of wind waves is wind sea period

Mean period of swell waves is swell period
Domain Spatial Extent: 20 E - 140 E, 80 S - 30 N

Ownership INCOIS (Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services)
Data provider INCOIS (Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services)
Keywords Waves, Wave forecast