Title Ocean State Forecast (General Circulation)
Model Description Forecast of ocean state variables such as surface currents, temperature and salinity are generated by a global HYCOM model. The atmospheric forcing (winds, radiation etc.) is taken from the NOAA's Global Forecast System.
Horizontal resolution and Vertical levels 0.25x0.25 and 30 levels
Variables (units) Ocean Currents (m/s), Temperature (C), Salinity (PSU), Mixed Layer Depth (MLD; m), Tropical Cyclone Heat Potential (TCHP; J/m2) and Sea Surface Height (SSH; m)

Mixed Layer Depth (MLD): The MLD is computed based on a temperature criterion wherein the MLD is regarded as the depth at which the temperature drops to 0.8° C from its surface value (Kara et al. 2008).

Tropical Cyclone Heat Potential (TCHP): The TCHP is computed as the heat content between the sea surface and the 26° isotherm.

Sea Surface Height (SSH): The SSH is the elevation of sea surface above the reference ellipsoid from the model.
Domain Spatial Extent: 129.45 E - 154.75 W, 25.70 S - 18.00 N

Pacific Island countries: (i) Cook Islands; (ii) Fiji; (iii) Kiribati; (iv) Republic of Marshall Islands; (v) Federated States of Micronesia; (vi) Nauru; (vii) Niue; (viii) Palau; (ix) Papua New Guinea; (x) Samoa; (xi) Solomon Islands; (xii) Tonga; (xiii) Tuvalu; and (xiv) Vanuatu
Data provider INCOIS (Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services)
Keywords Ocean physics