The objective of the Operational Coordination component of IIOE-2 is to develop and integrate web-based tools, databases and partnerships to enable a sufficient level of cooperation, resource-sharing, scientific collaboration and capacity alignment. The Operational Coordination Working Group works collaboratively with other IIOE-2 Working Groups, committees and other stakeholders to achieve this goal.
Some of the specific objectives of this Working Group are as below:
- Establish a central web-based expedition planning utility for operational coordination and cruise archiving, linked to the IIOE-2 website.
- Establish an opportunity/volunteer vessel database of commercial-sector ships and fixed platforms available for research and observations.
- Establish a database of "in-kind" resource support from institutions, national fleets, and funding agencies, including from both planned deployments and resources available through an application process.
- Establish a review process to ensure complete and usable data inputs from the research community into integrated IIOE-2 expedition planning tools.
- Utilize existing JCOMMOPS operations that support maintenance of observation systems in the Indian Ocean for shared use by IIOE-2 PIs.
- Evaluate current consensus on use of certified reference materials and standard analytical methods where consistent use of such methods will likely impact the quality of inter-study data comparison and integration across IIOE-2 research.
- Provide access to references on recommended methods and sources for acquiring calibration materials.
- Establish a process for reviewing planned and developing research projects toward discovering, communicating and enabling opportunities for collaboration among PIs.
- Provide operational support to capacity development efforts identified and prioritized by the IIOE-2 Capacity Development Working Group and Steering Committee.
To cater to the coordination of the above varied tasks, a two-tier structure for this Working Group has been developed, comprising a Core Group of Chairs/Co-Chairs of the Working Groups 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7, and an Associate Group comprising nominated members. This Working Group is headed by Dr. Shailesh Nayak (shailesh@moes.gov.in), Distinguished Scientist at India's Ministry of Earth Sciences. The composition of this Working Group is as below:
Name | Nationality | Affiliation | |
Dr. Shailesh Nayak CHAIR |
India | Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India, New Delhi.
Email: shailesh@moes.gov.in | |
Ms. Cynthia L. Chandler Co-Chair, WG2 |
USA | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), MA, USA.
Email:cchandler@whoi.edu | |
Dr. Harrison O. Ong'Anda Co-Chair, WG2 |
Kenya | Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI), Mombasa, Kenya.
Email: honganda@kmfri.co.ke | |
Dr. Nasser H. Zaker Co-Chair, WG3 |
Iran | Iranian National Institute for Oceanography & Atmospheric Science, Tehran.
Email: nhzaker@inio.ac.ir | |
Dr. Zainal Arifin Co-Chair, WG3 |
Indonesia | Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Jakarta.
Email: zain003@lipi.go.id | |
Dr. Faiza Al-Yamani Chair, WG5 |
Kuwait | Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Safat, Kuwait.
Email: faizayamani@gmail.com | |
Dr. Rezah M. Badal Chair, WG6 |
Mauritius | Continental Shelf, Maritime Zones Administration & Exploration, Govt. of Mauritius, Port Louis.
Email: mrbadal@govmu.org | |
Dr. Nick D'Adamo Co-Chair, WG7 |
Australia | Head of the JPO Australia Node, IOC Perth Program Office, Perth, Australia.
Email: nick.d'adamo@bom.gov.au | |
Dr. Rajan Sivaramakrishnan Co-Chair, WG7 |
India | Head of the JPO India Node, INCOIS, Hyderabad.
Email: rajan.s@incois.gov.in | |
Mr. N. Kiran Kumar | India | INCOIS, Hyderabad 500 090, India.
Email: kirankumar@incois.gov.in | |
Dr. Nani Hendiarti | Indonesia | Maritime Science and Technology, Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs, Republic of Indonesia.
Email: nanihendi@gmail.com nani.hendiarti@maritim.go.id | |
Dr. Sergey Travin | Russia | Dept. of Navigation & Oceanography of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg
Email: unio_main@mil.ru | |
Mr. Jim Costopulos | USA | GLOBAL OCEANS, NY 11568.
Email: jcostopulos@global-oceans.org |
Terms of Reference
- Establish a central web-based expedition planning utility for operational coordinationand cruise archiving, linked to the IIOE-2 website.
- Establish an opportunity/volunteer vessel database of commercial-sector ships andfixed platforms available for research and observations.
- Establish a database of "in-kind" resource support from institutions, national fleets,and funding agencies, including from both planned deployments and resources availablethrough an application process.
- Establish a review process to ensure complete and usable data inputs from the researchcommunity into integrated IIOE-2 expedition planning tools.
- Utilize existing JCOMMOPS operations that support maintenance of observationsystems in the Indian Ocean for shared use by IIOE-2 PIs.
- Evaluate current consensus on use of certified reference materials and standardanalytical methods where consistent use of such methods will likely impact the qualityof inter-study data comparison and integration across IIOE-2 research.
- Provide access to references on recommended methods and sources for acquiringcalibration materials.
- Establish a process for reviewing planned and developing research projects towarddiscovering, communicating and enabling opportunities for collaboration among PIs.
- Provide operational support to capacity development efforts identified and prioritizedby the Capacity Development Working Group.