1 | Mr. Huaming Huang | China | 731304196@qq.com |
2 | Miss. Margaret Wanjiku Wamaitha | Kenya | margaretwamaitha1997@gmail.com |
3 | Mr. Urbanus Omutoto | Kenya | urbanusbrevins@gmail.com |
4 | Mr. Calyst Ochieng Okuyumba | Kenya | calystochieng1@gmail.com |
5 | Miss. Josephine Kerubo | Kenya | kerubojosephine07@gmail.com |
6 | Mr. Nicholas Munyia | Kenya | nicholasmunyia@gmail.com |
7 | Mr. Jens Boel | Denmark | jens.boel3@gmail.com |
8 | Dr. Dilip Chate | India | chate@tropmet.res.in |
9 | Dr. Abhishek Saha | India | asaha.nio2015@gmail.com |
10 | Ms. Test | India | test@gmail.com |
11 | Mr. Digi | India | digi.audit@digi.co.in |
12 | Mr. Test | India | testuser@gmail.com |
13 | Professor. Shijian Hu | China | sjhu@qdio.ac.cn |
14 | Miss. B Goutami | India | goutami@stu.xim.edu.in |
15 | Miss. Somang Song | South Korea | smhopesong@snu.ac.kr |
16 | Ms. Tanisha Nag | India | tanisha@nccr.gov.in |
17 | Mr. Dennis Otieno | Kenya | otienodennys@gmail.com |
18 | Mr. Kunal Madkaiker | India | madkaiker.kunal@gmail.com |
19 | Mr. Khafid Rizki Pratama | Indonesia | khafidrizkipratama@gmail.com |
20 | Professor. Ying Wu | China | wuying@sklec.ecnu.edu.cn |
21 | Mr. Gaurav Nurhari Lanjewar | India | tabindustries1437@gmail.com |
22 | Professor. Feng Zhou | China | zhoufeng@sio.org.cn |
23 | Dr. Sneha Jha | India | s.jha-p@incois.gov.in |
24 | Dr. Sasi Mary Priya | India | sasimarypriya@gmail.com |
25 | Mr. Akhil Varghese | India | akhilvarghese151@gmail.com |
26 | Dr. Ana Catarina Serra Goncalves | Australia | catarinasg@gmail.com |
27 | Dr. Peter Puskic | Australia | p.puskic@theoceancleanup.com |
28 | Dr. Subba Rao Venkata Durvasula | United States of America | seshu35@gmail.com |
29 | Mr. Pavas Kumar | India | pavasm86@gmail.com |
30 | Mr. Robert Ellison | United States of America | rellison@seabird.com |
31 | Mr. Shouyi Wang | United States of America | syiwang@mit.edu |
32 | Dr. Sujin Kang | South Korea | sjkang@kiost.ac.kr |
33 | Mr. Thamizharasan Sakthivel | India | thamizharasa@iisc.ac.in |
34 | Dr. Dr Mr Nayak | India | mrnayak@hotmail.com |
35 | Miss. Sruti Jeetun | Mauritius | sruti.jeetun@gmail.com |
36 | Ms. Yan Yang | China | yangyan@xmu.edu.cn |
37 | Dr. Maliha Zareen Khan | China | malihakhan@xmu.edu.cn |
38 | Mr. Vikram Raj | India | vikramraj109@outlook.com |
39 | Dr. Taillandier Vincent | France | vincent.taillandier@imev-mer.fr |
40 | Ms. Emily Twigg | United States of America | emily.twigg@scor-int.org |
41 | Mr. Rajarshi Bandyopadhyay | India | rajarshi.frmmb108@cife.edu.in |
42 | Dr. Rakesh Kumar | India | rakesh@ncpor.res.in |
43 | Dr. Sijo P Varghese | India | sijopvarghese@yahoo.co.in |
44 | Mrs. Carmen Visser | South Africa | cc.visser@risa.nrf.ac.za |
45 | Mr. Jeet Majumder | India | jeetgeology@gmail.com |
46 | Mr. Wright John | China | wrightjohnola@gmail.com |
47 | Mr. Mahad Omar Nor | Somalia | cumarmahad@gmail.com |
48 | Miss. Alice Terpereau | Italy | alice.terpereau@feem.it |
49 | Dr. Christophe Maes | France | christophe.maes@ird.fr |
50 | Dr. Lisa Weiss | France | lisa.weiss@ird.fr |
51 | Dr. Daneeja Mawren | South Africa | daneejamawren@gmail.com |
52 | Dr. Halina Kobryn | Australia | h.kobryn@murdoch.edu.au |
53 | Mr. Allyn White | Australia | allyn.white@dcceew.gov.au |
54 | Dr. Rudolf Hermes | Germany | rudolf.hermes2016@gmail.com |
55 | Miss. Aditi Modi | India | aditimodi91@gmail.com |
56 | Ms. Tanya Marshall | South Africa | mrstan001@myuct.ac.za |
57 | Dr. Kosala Sirisena | Sri Lanka | kosala.sirisena@gmail.com |
58 | Dr. Chandanlal | Australia | chandan.parida@curtin.edu.au |
59 | Mr. Nitesh Kumar Sirohi | India | niteshkumarsirohi61@gmail.com |
60 | Dr. Rachel Shelley | United Kingdom | rachel.shelley@uea.ac.uk |
61 | Mr. Siva Prasad Vanum | India | sivavanum@gmail.com |
62 | Dr. Priyaja P | India | priyaja59@gmail.com |
63 | Miss. Namrata Gajanan Tekade | India | namratatekade2019@gmail.com |
64 | Mr. Omar Mahadalle | Somalia | omaramahadalle@su.edu.ph |
65 | Miss. Aishwarya | India | aishwary2607@gmail.com |
66 | Dr. Simi Kennady | India | simikennady@gmail.com |
67 | Mr. Yakup Niyazi | Australia | yakup.niyazi@uwa.edu.au |
68 | Dr. Akhilesh K Mishra | India | akhilesh.m@gov.in |
69 | Dr. Scott Whiting | Australia | scott.whiting@dbca.wa.gov.au |
70 | Mr. Nandhakumar S K | India | sknandha31@gmail.com |
71 | Ms. Joanna Strzelecki | Australia | joanna.strzelecki@csiro.au |
72 | Mr. Ratan Kamble | India | ratankamble0412@gmail.com |
73 | Dr. Saurabh Rathore | France | rohitsrb2020@gmail.com |
74 | Mr. Sudeep Das | India | sd64@iitbbs.ac.in |
75 | Mr. Nadim Mahmud | Bangladesh | ocn17025.nadim@bsmrmu.edu.bd |
76 | Dr. Dong Jin Kang | South Korea | djocean@kiost.ac.kr |
77 | Dr. Rabindra Kumar Sahoo | India | sahoork@nccr.gov.in |
78 | Ms. Meng Han | Australia | meng.han@utas.edu.au |
79 | Mr. Ricardo Christyan Matos Carvalho | Brazil | ricardo.carvalho@icat.ufal.br |
80 | Dr. Anas Abdulaziz | India | anas@nio.org |
81 | Mrs. Bincy M Raj | India | bincymraj.21@gmail.com |
82 | Mr. Pawan Kadwe | India | pawan52pawar@gmail.com |
83 | Mrs. Chitra M C | India | chithra.mc22@gmail.com |
84 | Dr. Ruth Eriksen | Australia | ruth.eriksen@csiro.au |
85 | Ms. Madeline Anderson | United Kingdom | ma8g17@soton.ac.uk |
86 | Dr. Dibakar Ghosal | India | dibakarghosal@gmail.com |
87 | Dr. Jubin K Thomas | India | jubin.oceanography@gmail.com |
88 | Dr. Amani Becker | United Kingdom | abeck@noc.ac.uk |
89 | Mr. Luke Matisons | Australia | luke_matisons@hotmail.com |
90 | Dr. Harini Santhanam | India | ecoharini@gmail.com |
91 | Mr. Dede Falahudin | Indonesia | dede.falahudin@brin.go.id |
92 | Mr. Chengcheng Gao | China | chengao@xmu.edu.cn |
93 | Mrs. Voahangy Tinah Martin | Madagascar | vmartin@ldeo.columbia.edu |
94 | Mr. Vishal S Gupta | India | svishal311.bhu@gmail.com |
95 | Mr. Tmdtlyac | Aaland Islands | sample@email.tst |
96 | Mr. Saat Mubarrok | Indonesia | gaaauul@gmail.com |
97 | Dr. Bhavya | Germany | bhavyapavizham@gmail.com |
98 | Dr. Shaun Wilson | Australia | shaun.wilson@dbca.wa.gov.au |
99 | Mr. Chengcheng Gao | China | chengao@xmu.enu.cn |
100 | Miss. Falguni Tailor | India | falgunitailor10@gmail.com |
101 | Ms. Neetu Mohan | India | neetunairni2@gmail.com |
102 | Mr. Dhanush Janarthanan | India | dhanushj1996@gmail.com |
103 | Ms. Ceia Chioze | Mozambique | ceica.chiz@gmail.com |
104 | Mr. Murarishetti Srikanh | India | sri153113542@gmail.com |
105 | Mr. Suhail Ahmad Kumar | India | ahmadsuhail914@gmail.com |
106 | Dr. Brett Molony | Australia | brett.molony@csiro.au |
107 | Mr. Md Khurshed Alam | Bangladesh | khurshed.alam@mofa.gov.bd |
108 | Ms. Divya Panicker | India | dpanic@uw.edu |
109 | Dr. Furqon Alfahmi | Indonesia | furqonalfahmi@gmail.com |
110 | Mr. Neva Ojesi | Mozambique | ojesineva6@gmail.com |
111 | Mr. Subhadeep Chowdhury | France | isuvodeep@gmail.com |
112 | Miss. Haritha Prasad | India | prasadharitha95@gmail.com |
113 | Mr. Sandeep Mohapatra | India | sandeep.mohapatra@tropmet.res.in |
114 | Dr. Raghav Khushaan | India | nebulizer@rhppl.in |
115 | Dr. Soumya Mukhopadhyay | India | soumya.ju2010@gmail.com |
116 | Mr. Gaddam Nagaraju | India | gaddamnagaraju112@gmail.com |
117 | Dr. Julian Partridge | Australia | julian.partridge@uwa.edu.au |
118 | Mr. Capt Md Taufiqul Islam | Bangladesh | taufiqulislam67@yahoo.com |
119 | Dr. Andrew Carroll | Australia | andrew.carroll@ga.gov.au |
120 | Mr. Pinjala Abhaydeep | India | abhaydeep986@gmail.com |
121 | Dr. Bastien Queste | Sweden | bastien.queste@gu.se |
122 | Mr. Dawood Alyahyai | Oman | dawoodalyahyai@gmail.com |
123 | Mr. Paban Kumar Bhuyan | India | pkb10@iitbbs.ac.in |
124 | Mr. Sipai Nazirahmed | India | sheikhnazir93@gmail.com |
125 | Dr. Weiyi Tang | United States of America | weiyit@princeton.edu |
126 | Miss. Sharani Kodithuwakku | Australia | sharani.kodithuwakku@research.uwa.edu.au |
127 | Dr. Tanziha Mahjabin | Australia | tanzihamahjabintrina@ymail.com |
128 | Ms. Anakha Mohan | India | anakhasarga@gmail.com |
129 | Mr. Le Zhou | China | le_040@163.com |
130 | Dr. Ravichandra Mondreti | India | ravichandra.mondreti@gmail.com |
131 | Mr. Ravikumar Mansukhbhai Chovatia | India | chovatia.ravi30@gmail.com |
132 | Mrs. Sajida Sulthana Mohammed | India | 3SAJIDASRK@GMAIL.COM |
133 | Mr. Arulanandam Charli Deepak | Taiwan | contact@findrug.org |
134 | Dr. Wuchang Zhang | China | wuchangzhang@qdio.ac.cn |
135 | Dr. Rokkam Ramanohar Rao | India | rokkamrao49@gmail.com |
136 | Mr. Ravi Pratap Singh | India | ravi29031994@gmail.com |
137 | Mr. Enrique Wulff | Spain | enrique.wulff@icman.csic.es |
138 | Mr. Shitu Umar Zakariya | Nigeria | shituzakariya@gmail.com |
139 | Miss. Archana A | India | archanaarchana808@gmail.com |
140 | Mr. Himanshu Saxena | India | himanshu@prl.res.in |
141 | Dr. Gregory Cutter | United States of America | gcutter@odu.edu |
142 | Mrs. Anika Arora | India | anika.cat@tropmet.res.in |
143 | Mr. Gaurav Singh | India | gauravsingh99984@gmail.com |
144 | Dr. P. Amar | India | amarrocean@yahoo.in |
145 | Mr. Prasad Pramod Padalkar | India | padalkar322@gmail.com |
146 | Miss. Arunima Anand T.K | India | arunimasivanandtk@gmail.com |
147 | Mr. Fuchang Zhong | China | zhongfuchang@scsio.ac.cn |
148 | Dr. Nagalakshmi.R | India | nagalakr@srmist.edu.in |
149 | Miss. Pushpa Pandey | India | pandeypushpa82@gmail.com |
150 | Ms. Sushmitha | India | sushmitha.l@incois.gov.in |
151 | Dr. Binu Mole.K | India | drbinumolek@cusat.ac.in |
152 | Professor. Quddusi Kazmi | Pakistan | qbkazmi@yahoo.com |
153 | Mr. Pramit Debburman | India | pkdebburman@gmail.com |
154 | Mr. Kjell Hope | Sweden | kjellohope@gmail.com |
155 | Ms. Unnimayakrishnan | India | unnimayakrishnan@incois.gov.in |
156 | Mr. Keith Wallace | Australia | kwallace@blueoceanmonitoring.com |
157 | Miss. Boscardin Wanika | India | boscardin171@gmail.com |
158 | Dr. Esther Rickert | Germany | erickert@geomar.de |
159 | Mr. Riel Carlo Ingeniero | Germany | ringeniero@geomar.de |
160 | Mr. K M Azam Chowdhury | Bangladesh | azam_oceanographer.ocn@du.ac.bd |
161 | Dr. Ibrahim Zia | Pakistan | ibrahimzia@hotmail.com |
162 | Dr. Rajesh | India | rajesh_s@nrsc.gov.in |
163 | Miss. Ankeeta Amonkar | India | ankeetaamonkar9@gmail.com |
164 | Miss. Keshnee Pillay | South Africa | kepillay@environment.gov.za |
165 | Dr. Y.V.B. Sarma | India | sarmayvb@gmail.com |
166 | Ms. Kim Picard | Australia | kim.picard@ga.gov.au |
167 | Dr. Kumaraswami M | India | kumara.300@gmail.com |
168 | Miss. Supriya Baburaj M | India | supriyam720@gmail.com |
169 | Professor. Aneesh Subramanian | United States of America | aneeshcs@colorado.edu |
170 | Dr. Md.Wahidul Alam | Bangladesh | wahidul.alam@cu.ac.bd |
171 | Mr. Capt. B.G. Reddy | India | wncmethansa@navy.gov.in |
172 | Ms. Bernadine Everett | South Africa | warriorbern@gmail.com |
173 | Mr. Samiran Mandal | India | sm18@iitbbs.ac.in |
174 | Dr. Damian Ponsonby | South Africa | dw.ponsonby@gmail.com |
175 | Mr. Subhajit Barik | India | subhajitb.jsp@gmail.com |
176 | Mr. Amit Kumar Sharma | India | amitkr.sharma.bme09@itbhu.ac.in |
177 | Mr. Selvan | India | selvanfun@gmail.com |
178 | Mr. Sambit Singh | India | sambitsinghjspur@gmail.com |
179 | Mr. Y Umamaheswara Rao | India | maheshgeotech38@gmail.com |
180 | Miss. Asiya B S | India | abs15ms027@iiserkol.ac.in |
181 | Mr. Manickavasagam S | India | manickavasagam@incois.gov.in |
182 | Ms. Shivani | India | shivani.sharma@fco.gov.uk |
183 | Dr. Lei Zhou | China | zhoulei1588@sjtu.edu.cn |
184 | Dr. Anil Earnest | India | earnest@csir4pi.in |
185 | Mr. Mayen Payendee | Mauritius | u5300316@anu.edu.au |
186 | Mr. Md Tawhidur Rahaman | Bangladesh | tawhidbuet066@gmail.com |
187 | Ms. Kaycie B Lanpher | United States of America | klanpher@rsmas.miami.edu |
188 | Dr. Manuri Durga Bharathi | India | durgahs@gmail.com |
189 | Mrs. Corinne Green | United Kingdom | corinne@nektonmission.org |
190 | Dr. Uma Sankar Panda | India | uspanda@nccr.gov.in |
191 | Dr. Charne | South Africa | charnelavery@gmail.com |
192 | Dr. Ahmad Fehmi Dilmahamod | Germany | fehmi.dilmahamod@gmail.com |
193 | Dr. Bineesh Kinattumkara | India | kkbineesh@gmail.com |
194 | Mr. Iioe India | India | iioe@incois.gov.in |
195 | Ms. Almeida Celsa M | India | Celsa.a@incois.gov.in |
196 | Mr. Saikat Pramanik | India | sp22@iitbbs.ac.in |
197 | Miss. Francesca Adrienne | Seychelles | f.adrienne@gov.sc |
198 | Miss. Sharani Kodithuwakku | Sri Lanka | sharanikodithuwakku@gmail.com |
199 | Dr. Kipkorir Sigi Lang'At | Kenya | kisigilang@yahoo.com |
200 | Dr. Pavan Kumar | India | pawan2607@gmail.com |
201 | Ms. Jess Kolbusz | Australia | jessica.kolbusz@research.uwa.edu.au |
202 | Dr. Charles Maina Kihia | Kenya | charles.kihia@gmail.com |
203 | Dr. Sujata Murty | United States of America | smurty@whoi.edu |
204 | Mr. A Dinesh Kumar Patro | India | dineshpatro876@gmail.com |
205 | Ms. Peta Louise Vine | Australia | Peta.L.Vine@student.uts.edu.au |
206 | Dr. Meyzen | Italy | christine.meyzen@unipd.it |
207 | Ms. Gayatri Mishra | India | gmishra.geo@gmail.com |
208 | Mr. Eric Rothberg | United States of America | erothberg@seabird.com |
209 | Dr. Nuette Gordon | Seychelles | nuette.gordon@unisey.ac.sc |
210 | Dr. Indi Hodgson-Johnston | Australia | indiah.hodgsonjohnston@utas.edu.au |
211 | Dr. Melita Samoilys | Kenya | melita.samoilys@gmail.com |
212 | Dr. Miranda Armour-Chelu | United States of America | marmour-chelu@howard.edu |
213 | Dr. Steven D. Miller | United States of America | Steven.Miller@colostate.edu |
214 | Dr. Manoj M C | India | manoj.mcm@gmail.com |
215 | Mr. Venugopal Thandlam | Sweden | venux4@gmail.com |
216 | Dr. Principal Director | India | dnom@navy.gov.in |
217 | Mr. Amasarao Arika | India | amasarao.arika@gmail.com |
218 | Mr. Amol Suresh Vibhute | India | amolvibhute432@gmail.com |
219 | Dr. P K S Srivastava | India | srivastava.pks@gov.in |
220 | Ms. Mags Lightbody | United Kingdom | magsl@atlanticproductions.co.uk |
221 | Mr. Prem Kumar | India | premsiva.08@gmail.com |
222 | Mr. Rahaden Bagas Hatmaja | Indonesia | rahadenbagas@gmail.com |
223 | Mr. Heath Cook | United States of America | hsc47@cornell.edu |
224 | Dr. Li Li | China | lili34@xmu.edu.cn |
225 | Dr. Sudheer Joseph | India | sjo@incois.gov.in |
226 | Ms. Siratun Montaha Sirajuddin Shaikh | India | sirat.shaikh11@gmail.com |
227 | Mr. Jishnu P A | India | jishnupayyappan@gmail.com |
228 | Dr. Mejjadnezha@Gmail.Com | Morocco | mejjadnezha@gmail.com |
229 | Dr. B V Appa Rao | India | raobva@yahoo.co.in |
230 | Dr. John Kurian P | India | john@ncaor.gov.in |
231 | Dr. Yatheesh Vadakkeyakath | India | yatheesh@nio.org |
232 | Mrs. Aruggoda Kapuge Isuri Umejya Kapuge | Sri Lanka | izuka116@gmail.com |
233 | Dr. Prabhat Kumar Koner | United States of America | pkoner@umd.edu |
234 | Dr. Maria Ana Desa | India | mdesa@nio.org |
235 | Dr. Mar Benavides | France | mar.benavides@ird.fr |
236 | Miss. Ketshepaone Modise | South Africa | kymodise@gmail.com |
237 | Dr. Carmen Rodriguez | United States of America | crodriguez@rsmas.miami.edu |
238 | Mr. Isa Elegbede | Germany | isaelegbede@gmail.com |
239 | Dr. Gurumurthy Gp | India | gurumurthygp@bsip.res.in |
240 | Dr. Jessica Gier | Germany | jgier@geomar.de |
241 | Mr. Kalaiyarasan | India | kalai9159549506@gmail.com |
242 | Mr. Ebin | India | ebinfsrd485@gmail.com |
243 | Mr. Vengadesh | India | kvengadesh1998@gmail.com |
244 | Mr. Ezhilarasan. M | India | ezhilkarthi799@gmail.com |
245 | Mr. Thamil Selvan | India | thamizhselvansts@gmail.com |
246 | Mr. Naresh Krishna | India | nareshkrishna2098@gmail.com |
247 | Mr. Ajith Kumar | India | ajithkumar469845@gmail.com |
248 | Mr. Ezhilarasan. E | India | ezhilsam68@gmail.com |
249 | Mr. Soundharapandiyan. B | India | soundharpandiyan420@gmail.com |
250 | Miss. Ezhatharasi. Ss | India | ezha2908@gmail.com |
251 | Mr. Abhijith M J | India | abhijithmjohnson@gmail.com |
252 | Mr. R. Ramkumar | India | ramkey505@gmail.com |
253 | Mr. Mugesh. U | India | mugi24747@gmail.com |
254 | Mr. Amal Chandran | India | amalappu675@gmail.com |
255 | Ms. Nidhi Tripathi | India | nidhi@prl.res.in |
256 | Dr. Gayatri Shirodkar | India | sgayatree@gmail.com |
257 | Mr. Teppala Vikranth | India | vikranth.teppala@gmail.com |
258 | Mr. Prem Kumar | India | premkumar140994@gmail.com |
259 | Mr. Aloknath Baral | India | baralalok07@gmail.com |
260 | Mr. Mahesh Gaddam | India | mhshgoud6@gmail.com |
261 | Mr. Louwin Anand | India | malouwin978@gmail.com |
262 | Mr. Sourav Chattopadhyay | India | babutheoneonly@gmail.com |
263 | Mr. Sangamesh Uday | India | usa.sangamesh@gmail.com |
264 | Professor. Jun Sun | China | phytoplankton@163.com |
265 | Mr. Ezhil | India | ezhil.tvm@gmail.com |
266 | Dr. Kedarnath Mahapatra | Japan | kmahapatra@gmail.com |
267 | Mr. Balabhaskar | India | kbalabhaskar@hotmail.com |
268 | Mrs. Priya Dharshini | India | priyadiviarul1999@gmail.com |
269 | Mrs. Lalnunmawii | India | amoitey@gmail.com |
270 | Mr. Shriram | India | shriramshri777@gmail.com |
271 | Mr. Kemgang Ghomsi Franck Eitel | Cameroon | franckeitel@gmail.com |
272 | Miss. Shanmuga Priyaa S | India | sspriyaa@niot.res.in |
273 | Dr. Hilal Shaqsi | Oman | shaqsihilal@gmail.com |
274 | Dr. Lokesh Kumar Sahu | India | lokesh@prl.res.in |
275 | Mrs. Bianca Van Dyk | South Africa | 8iancavndk@gmail.com |
276 | Miss. Josephine Marigu Njeru | Kenya | marigujosephine@gmail.com |
277 | Mr. Gayan Pathirana Ullala Pathiranage | Sri Lanka | upgpathirana@gmail.com |
278 | Mr. Venkatesh Chinni | India | venkateshchinni9@gmail.com |
279 | Dr. Faiza Y Al-Yamani | Kuwait | faizayamani@gmail.com |
280 | Dr. Rakhesh Madhusoodhanan | Kuwait | mrakhesh74@yahoo.co.uk |
281 | Dr. Michelle Fernandes | India | michellefds19@gmail.com |
282 | Dr. Supriyo Kumar Das | India | das.supriyo.kumar@gmail.com |
283 | Dr. K. Muni Krishna | India | munikrishnna@yahoo.co.in |
284 | Mr. Francisco Zivane | Mozambique | franciscozivane@hotmail.com |
285 | Dr. Sudipta Sarkar | India | sudipta@iiserpune.ac.in |
286 | Mr. Gerhard De Jager | South Africa | dejagergp@ufs.ac.za |
287 | Miss. Damaris M Mutia | Kenya | mutiadamaris@gmail.com |
288 | Mr. Patrice Jilani | Kenya | jilaningala@gmail.com |
289 | Dr. Sourav Sil | India | souravsil@iitbbs.ac.in |
290 | Dr. Mohan Dhandapani | India | mohanicmam@gmail.com |
291 | Mr. Gilbert Omondi Owato | Kenya | owatogilbert@gmail.com |
292 | Ms. Veronica Radice | Australia | v.radice@uq.edu.au |
293 | Dr. Sarat Chandra Tripathy | India | sarat@ncaor.gov.in |
294 | Professor. Sung Yong Kim | South Korea | syongkim@kaist.ac.kr |
295 | Dr. Aneesh Lotliker | India | aneesh@incois.gov.in |
296 | Mrs. Belinda Bramley | United Kingdom | belinda@nektonmission.org |
297 | Professor. Edmo Campos | Brazil | edmo@usp.br |
298 | Miss. Marina Do Valle Chagas Azaneu | United Kingdom | m.azaneu@uea.ac.uk |
299 | Mr. Kolawole Akinoshun | South Africa | otunbakolawoleakinoshun@gmail.com |
300 | Mr. Eduard Drost | South Africa | drosteduard25@gmail.com |
301 | Mrs. Micheline-Nicole Mclaren Jenner | Australia | micheline.jenner@cwr.org.au |
302 | Ms. Nora Gale | Australia | n.gale@unesco.org |
303 | Mr. Jayachandran P.R. | India | jayachandran2701@gmail.com |
304 | Mr. Vishwas Joshi | India | vishwasindustryserv@gmail.com |
305 | Dr. Verena Hormann | United States of America | vhormann@ucsd.edu |
306 | Mr. Prasanta Maji | India | majiprasanta196@gmail.com |
307 | Professor. Tarun Chandrayadula | India | tkchandr@iitm.ac.in |
308 | Mr. Alan Harris | Australia | pivo38@bigpond.com |
309 | Mr. Jithin V | India | jithinvengalil@gmail.com |
310 | Dr. Safri Burhanuddin | Indonesia | safribur@gmail.com |
311 | Dr. Hasibur Rahaman | India | rahman@incois.gov.in |
312 | Mrs. Doaa Gharieb Ghoniem | Egypt | gharieb.doaa@yahoo.com |
313 | Dr. M. Lutfi Firdaus | Indonesia | lutfi@unib.ac.id |
314 | Miss. Lekshmi K | India | lekshmikrishna04@gmail.com |
315 | Dr. Gayathri Reghu | India | gayathri@nccr.gov.in |
316 | Dr. Tage Dalsgaard | Denmark | td@unisense.com |
317 | Miss. Ananya Karmakar | India | akananya1@gmail.com |
318 | Dr. Diane Erceg | Australia | diane.erceg@bom.gov.au |
319 | Dr. Deborah Wall-Palmer | Netherlands | dmwallpalmer@gmail.com |
320 | Mr. Andhika Hermawanto | Indonesia | andhika.hermawanto@bmkg.go.id |
321 | Mr. L. V. G. Rao | India | lvgrao@yahoo.com |
322 | Ms. Saumya Silori | India | saumyasilori27@gmail.com |
323 | Mr. Andria Ansri Utama | Indonesia | bergen_rt@yahoo.com |
324 | Dr. Meryl Jean Williams | Australia | MerylJWilliams@gmail.com |
325 | Mr. Kesavakumar B | India | kesavakumar.niot@gmail.com |
326 | Dr. Ayaz Ahmed | Kuwait | naikayaz80@gmail.com |
327 | Mr. Chinmay Shah | India | chinmayshah91@gmail.com |
328 | Dr. Jasmine Purushothaman | India | jasbose@gmail.com |
329 | Mr. Mayur .S. Deshpande | India | moonideas007@gmail.com |
330 | Dr. Dr David Tranter | Australia | dh.tranter@bigpond.com |
331 | Dr. Li Li | China | lili34@xmu.edu.nc |
332 | Dr. Vengadesh Perumal Natarajan | India | acartiasv@yahoo.com |
333 | Dr. G.Sreenivasulu | India | seenu9441@gmail.com |
334 | Mr. Naman Deep Singh | India | namandsk@gmail.com |
335 | Dr. Kamalodin Kor | Iran | kamal.kor@gmail.com |
336 | Dr. Akiko Yamamoto | Ethiopia | akiko.yamamoto@undp.org |
337 | Miss. Pooja | Tanzania | solankipooja0105@gmail.com |
338 | Dr. Amrit Kumar Mishra | India | amritkumarmishra@gmail.com |
339 | Dr. Jonson Lumban-Gaol | Indonesia | jonson_lumbangaol@yahoo.com |
340 | Miss. Raphalalani Zwivhuya Constance | South Africa | raphalalaniz@arc.agric.za |
341 | Dr. Romola Stewart | Australia | Romola.Stewart@bom.gov.au |
342 | Mr. Gopal Samy J | India | jgopalsamy@gmail.com |
343 | Professor. Daniela Basso | Italy | daniela.basso@unimib.it |
344 | Mr. Tembaletu | South Africa | ttanci@environment.gov.za |
345 | Dr. Sivakumar Kannan | India | conserveocean@gmail.com |
346 | Mr. Randall Kibet Mabwa | Kenya | rmabwa88@gmail.com |
347 | Mr. Anthony Nzioka Mutua | Kenya | nzioka@hotmail.com |
348 | Ms. Estee Vermeulen | South Africa | esteever01@gmail.com |
349 | Dr. Sean Fennessy | South Africa | seanf@ori.org.za |
350 | Miss. Nomsa | South Africa | nomsa1625@gmail.com |
351 | Dr. Eric Okuku | Kenya | ochiengokuku2003@yahoo.com |
352 | Dr. Judith Okello | Kenya | judith_okello2003@yahoo.com |
353 | Mr. Athman Salim Hussein | Kenya | athmansalim20@gmail.com |
354 | Dr. Joseph Nyingi Kamau | Kenya | jjosephkamau@yahoo.com |
355 | Mr. Johnstone Omuhaya Omukoto | Kenya | jomukoto@gmail.com |
356 | Dr. Gladys Okemwa | Kenya | gladysokemwa@gmail.com |
357 | Miss. Amina Ochora Makori | Kenya | ochoramakori1@gmail.com |
358 | Dr. Nina Wambiji | Kenya | nwambiji@gmail.com |
359 | Mr. Harrison Ong'Anda | Kenya | honganda@kmfri.co.ke |
360 | Mr. Manas Prem Gautam | India | manaspremgautam@gmail.com |
361 | Dr. R. Harikumar | India | harikumar@incois.gov.in |
362 | Dr. Ashwini Kumar | India | ashwinik@nio.org |
363 | Mr. Florence Jovinary Peter | Tanzania | frolencejovenary@gmail.com |
364 | Dr. Margaux Noyon | South Africa | Margaux.Noyon@mandela.ac.za |
365 | Mr. Raghutamilmani | India | raghu.just03research@gmail.com |
366 | Professor. Manuel Malaquias | Norway | Manuel.Malaquias@uib.no |
367 | Mr. Sivasankar K | India | sivasankarhe1@gmail.com |
368 | Miss. Swathi Vinod | India | swathivinod94@gmail.com |
369 | Dr. Narakula Srinivasa Rao | India | srinivas@ngri.res.in |
370 | Mr. Alfi Rusdiansyah | Indonesia | alfi.rusdiansyah@bppt.go.id |
371 | Dr. Muhammad Ilyas | Indonesia | m.ilyas@bppt.go.id |
372 | Dr. Mochamad Furqon Azis Ismail | Indonesia | mfaismail@gmail.com |
373 | Mr. Taufan Wiguna | Indonesia | taufan.wiguna@bppt.go.id |
374 | Ms. Anastasia Rita Tisiana Dwi Kuswardani | Indonesia | anastasia.tisiana@gmail.com |
375 | Mr. Nashad M | India | nashadfsi@gmail.com |
376 | Mr. Raja B | India | rajj2020@ymail.com |
377 | Mr. Srinivas Gangiredla | India | gangiredlasrinivas@gmail.com |
378 | Mr. Damien Wright | Australia | wrig0387@flinders.edu.au |
379 | Dr. B R R Hari Prasad Kottu | India | kbrrhari@gmail.com |
380 | Miss. Daina Mathai | Kenya | mathaidiana1@gmail.com |
381 | Professor. Yukio Masumoto | Japan | masumoto@eps.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp |
382 | Mr. Ivan Suege | Mozambique | isuege105@gmail.com |
383 | Miss. Lucy Heather Glocke | Australia | lucy.glocke@outlook.com |
384 | Ms. Charlotte Birkmanis | Australia | charlotte.birkmanis@research.uwa.edu.au |
385 | Dr. Cassandra Rigby | Australia | crigby@westnet.com.au |
386 | Dr. Stuart Field | Australia | stuart.field@dbca.wa.gov.au |
387 | Ms. Mirjam Van Der Mheen | Australia | mirjam.vandermheen@research.uwa.edu.au |
388 | Mr. Julian Von Borries | Germany | j.borries@hydrobios.de |
389 | Dr. Vivian | United States of America | vivianychoi@gmail.com |
390 | Mr. Purnama Alamsyah | Indonesia | alamsyah_113b1c@yahoo.com |
391 | Dr. Sreenath | India | lecologiste@gmail.com |
392 | Dr. Ray Canterford | Australia | ray.canterford@bom.gov.au |
393 | Mr. Tarachand Kumawat | India | tarachand.kumawat@icar.gov.in |
394 | Ms. Emma Chadwick | Australia | e.chadwick@aims.gov.au |
395 | Ms. Rachel Jones | United Kingdom | rachel.jones@zsl.org |
396 | Dr. Sandeep Pattnaik | India | spt@iitbbs.ac.in |
397 | Dr. Mihir Kumar Dash | India | mihir@coral.iitkgp.ernet.in |
398 | Mr. Eric Mwangi Njoroge | Kenya | Ericnjoroge@hotmail.com |
399 | Mrs. Lucy Patricia Onundo | Kenya | patricialucyonundo@gmail.com |
400 | Mr. Oliver Steeds | United Kingdom | oliver@nektonmission.org |
401 | Miss. Priya P. Patil | India | lambofordtesla@gmail.com |
402 | Mrs. Lucy Patricia Onundo | Kenya | patricialucyonundo@yahoo.com |
403 | Ms. Clousa Sarmento Maueua | Mozambique | clousam@yahoo.com.br |
404 | Miss. Swaleha Inamdar | India | swaleha.inamdar@tropmet.res.in |
405 | Miss. Rose Mary Shaju | India | rosemaryshajut@gmail.com |
406 | Dr. D. Swain | India | dswain@iitbbs.ac.in |
407 | Mr. Kevin Comer | United States of America | kcomer@marineventures.com |
408 | Mr. Suraj Ravindran | India | suraj8070@gmail.com |
409 | Dr. Maryam Hakimelahi | Iran | hakimelahi.m@gmail.com |
410 | Mr. Devanarayana Rao M | India | mdnrao05@gmail.com |
411 | Mr. Vineet Kumar Singh | India | vineetsingh.jrf@tropmet.res.in |
412 | Dr. Ranga Rao Vinjamuri | India | vrrao@icmam.gov.in |
413 | Professor. Sunghyun Nam | South Korea | namsh@snu.ac.kr |
414 | Mr. Muhammad Yusuf Musabbiq | Indonesia | yusufmusabbiq@gmail.com |
415 | Dr. Shramik Patil | India | shramikpatil@gmail.com |
416 | Miss. Purva Phaterpekar | India | purva.phaterpekar@gmail.com |
417 | Professor. Balasaheb Govind Kulkarni | India | balasahebk@yahoo.com |
418 | Dr. Ebenezer Nyadjro | United States of America | enyadjro@uno.edu |
419 | Dr. Pallavi Anand | United Kingdom | pallavi.anand@open.ac.uk |
420 | Mr. Abhijith P Kurian | India | abhijithpkurian@gmail.com |
421 | Mr. Unyime Umoh | China | unyimeumoh85@yahoo.com |
422 | Dr. K. Somasundar | India | soma-dod@nic.in |
423 | Mr. Arunraj Ks | India | arunrajks21@gmail.com |
424 | Dr. Sanitha K Sivadas | India | sanitha_sivadas@yahoo.com |
425 | Dr. Mohamed Abd-Elnaby Aly-Eldeen | Egypt | ma.aly-eldeen@niof.sci.eg |
426 | Dr. Gibies George | India | gibiesgeorge@gmail.com |
427 | Mr. Rasiq Kelassanthodi | Saudi Arabia | rasiqkt@gmail.com |
428 | Mr. Nabir Mamnun | Bangladesh | nabir.mamnun@gmail.com |
429 | Dr. Bijoy Nandan | India | bijoynandan@yahoo.co.in |
430 | Mr. Sanu V.Francis | India | sanuvf@gmail.com |
431 | Dr. Philipp Munz | Germany | philipp.munz@uni-tuebingen.de |
432 | Mr. Gonaduwage Lasitha Perera | Sri Lanka | lasithaperera@yahoo.com |
433 | Mr. Abhishek Dixit | India | abhishekamandixit@gmail.com |
434 | Professor. Laju Michael | India | lajumichael@gmail.com |
435 | Mr. Abdullah Sulaiman | Malaysia | abdullah@jmg.gov.my |
436 | Dr. Catia Motta Domingues | Australia | Catia.Domingues@csiro.au |
437 | Mr. Sabari Lal | India | sabarilal1192@gmail.com |
438 | Mr. Varun S P | India | vsp848272@gmail.com |
439 | Miss. Reshma Mariam George | India | reshmamg1994@yahoo.com |
440 | Miss. Amala U | India | amalaamalu35@gmail.com |
441 | Mr. Aby Francis | India | yourselfeby@gmail.com |
442 | Mr. Bhajan J | India | bhajanjayapal@gmail.com |
443 | Miss. Kavya Aravind | India | kavya.chaithram@gmail.com |
444 | Miss. Ashitha Anand | India | ashithaanand15@gmail.com |
445 | Mr. Gopi Krishna Podapati | India | gopikrishnapodapati123@gmail.com |
446 | Dr. N. R. Nisha | India | nisharavindran@yahoo.com |
447 | Mr. Gokul Vs | India | gokulvenu@gmail.com |
448 | Dr. Fiona Moejes | Ireland | fionamoejes@hotmail.com |
449 | Dr. David Deeley | Australia | ase1@iinet.net.au |
450 | Dr. Warner Brueckmann | Germany | wbrueckmann@geomar.de |
451 | Dr. Errol Wiles | South Africa | eawiles@yahoo.com |
452 | Mr. Tuddenham | United States of America | peter@coexploration.net |
453 | Miss. Robyn Payne | South Africa | robynppayne@gmail.com |
454 | Professor. Karl Banse | United States of America | banse@ocean.washington.edu |
455 | Ms. Mai Maheigan | United States of America | mmaheigan@whoi.edu |
456 | Mr. William Erb | United States of America | williamerb34@yahoo.com |
457 | Mr. Laxman Pujari | China | marine.laxman1@gmail.com |
458 | Mr. Fayas Buhary | Sri Lanka | fayasmbm@gmail.com |
459 | Dr. Hyodae Seo | United States of America | hseo@whoi.edu |
460 | Dr. Alejandra Sanchez-Franks | United Kingdom | alsf@noc.ac.uk |
461 | Dr. Satheesh Chandra Shenoi | India | shenoi@incois.gov.in |
462 | Professor. P N Vinayachandran | India | vinay@caos.iisc.ernet.in |
463 | Dr. Taekeun Rho | South Korea | tkrho@kiost.ac.kr |
464 | Professor. Mohammad Zahedur Rahman Chowdhury | Bangladesh | zahedims@cu.ac.bd |
465 | Mr. Gurunath Chinthalu | India | chintalu@tropmet.res.in |
466 | Dr. Muthuswamy Anand | India | msaseen@mkuniversity.org |
467 | Dr. Augy Syahailatua | Indonesia | augy.lipi@gmail.com |
468 | Mrs. Carmen Visser | South Africa | sancor@daff.gov.za |
469 | Dr. Weiqiang Wang | China | weiqwang@yahoo.com |
470 | Mr. Basheer Ahammed Kk | India | basheer.kk@yahoo.com |
471 | Mr. August Daulat | Australia | daul_sinaga@kkp.go.id |
472 | Mr. E Pattabhi Rama Rao | India | pattabhi@incois.gov.in |
473 | Dr. David Abdo | Australia | dave.abdo@fish.wa.gov.au |
474 | Professor. Alireza Sari | Iran | sari@ut.ac.ir |
475 | Mr. Jason Harney | Australia | jasonharney@hotmail.com |
476 | Ms. Chepkemboi Kabon Labatt | Kenya | clabatt@kmfri.co.ke |
477 | Mr. Balaji D | India | balaji.d86@gmail.com |
478 | Dr. Appalanaidu Sura | India | naidu.sura@gmail.com |
479 | Ms. Caroline Coombs | Australia | caroline.coombs@research.uwa.edu.au |
480 | Mr. Jim Costopulos | United States of America | jcostopulos@global-oceans.org |
481 | Ms. Jing Li | China | jing.li@clivar.org |
482 | Mr. Mohammad Badar Uddin | India | bbadar7@gmail.com |
483 | Dr. Rena Czeschel | Germany | rczeschel@geomar.de |
484 | Dr. Sergey Piontkovski | Oman | spiontkovski@gmail.com |
485 | Miss. Jaya A Roperez | Philippines | jayaroperez@gmail.com |
486 | Dr. Edem Mahu | Ghana | edemmahu@gmail.com |
487 | Dr. Harriet Paterson | Australia | harriet.paterson@uwa.edu.au |
488 | Mr. Aina Le Don Nomenisoa | Madagascar | ainaledon294@gmail.com |
489 | Professor. Uk Iioe-2 Mailing List | United Kingdom | UK-IIOE2@jiscmail.ac.uk |
490 | Professor. Karen Heywood | United Kingdom | k.heywood@uea.ac.uk |
491 | Professor. Jian Lin | United States of America | jlin@whoi.edu |
492 | Professor. Karl Banse | United States of America | banse@u.washington.edu |
493 | Dr. Bastien Queste | United Kingdom | b.queste@uea.ac.uk |
494 | Mr. Sudheesh Valliyodan | India | sudhikeloth13@gmail.com |
495 | Dr. Kakolee Banerjee | India | kakolee@ncscm.org |
496 | Ms. Louise Wicks | Australia | l.wicks@bom.gov.au |
497 | Mr. Paul T Athikalam | India | paulthomasoctober9@gmail.com |
498 | Dr. Nasser Hadjizadeh Zaker | Iran | inioas@inio.ac.ir |
499 | Dr. C Kalyani Devasena | India | kalyani@cmmacs.ernet.in |
500 | Mr. Jabir Thajudeen | India | panavoorjabir@gmail.com |
501 | Miss. Sangeeta Naik | India | naiksangeeta146@gmail.com |
502 | Dr. Birgit Gaye | Germany | birgit.gaye@uni-hamburg.de |
503 | Dr. Gang Pan | China | gpan@scsio.ac.cn |
504 | Dr. Somkiat Khokiattiwong | Thailand | skhokiattiwong@gmail.com |
505 | Miss. Cecilia Liszka | United Kingdom | c.liszka@uea.ac.uk |
506 | Mrs. Catherine Garcia | United States of America | catgar@uci.edu |
507 | Dr. Rob Hall | United Kingdom | robert.hall@uea.ac.uk |
508 | Dr. John Bemiasa | Madagascar | j.bemiasa@ihsm.mg |
509 | Dr. Aan Johan Wahyudi | Indonesia | ajwahyudi@gmail.com |
510 | Nuzhat Khan | Pakistan | nuzhatk@gmail.com |
511 | Professor. Anja Engel | Germany | aengel@geomar.de |
512 | Dr. Julia Diaz | United States of America | jdiaz@uga.edu |
513 | Dr. Liviu Giosan | United States of America | lgiosan@whoi.edu |
514 | Dr. Victoria Cheung | United Kingdom | vch@pml.ac.uk |
515 | Dr. K. Arulananthan | Sri Lanka | k.arulan@gmail.com |
516 | Professor. Iskhaq Iskandar | Indonesia | iskhaq.iskandar@gmail.com |
517 | Dr. Zainal Arifin | Indonesia | zain003@lipi.go.id |
518 | Dr. Mariona Segura-Noguera | United Kingdom | mariona@marionasegura.cat |
519 | Professor. Guerra Roberta | Italy | roberta.guerra@unibo.it |
520 | Mr. Stephen Peter Hall | United Kingdom | sph@noc.ac.uk |
521 | Dr. Patrick Martin | Singapore | pmartin@ntu.edu.sg |
522 | Dr. Matthieu Lengaigne | India | matlaldp@gmail.com |
523 | Miss. Joo-Eun Yoon | South Korea | eliteremje@gmail.com |
524 | Dr. M. A. Atmanand | India | atmanandma@hotmail.com |
525 | Mr. Tae-Jun Choi | South Korea | choiterg@gmail.com |
526 | Mr. Song Jae-Min | South Korea | jmsong@inu.ac.kr |
527 | Mr. N. Kiran Kumar | India | kirankumar@incois.gov.in |
528 | Professor. Il-Nam Kim | South Korea | ilnamkim@inu.ac.kr |
529 | Dr. Michael Lomas | United States of America | mlomas@bigelow.org |
530 | Dr. Federico Lauro | Singapore | flauro@ntu.edu.sg |
531 | Dr. Andreas Schiller | Australia | andreas.schiller@csiro.au |
532 | Dr. Caroline Ummenhofer | United States of America | cummenhofer@whoi.edu |
533 | Dr. M Dolores PèRez-HernáNdez | United States of America | mdolores.perez@whoi.edu |
534 | Professor. Adam Martiny | United States of America | amartiny@uci.edu |
535 | Mrs. Pablo Nicolas Trucco Pignata | Mexico | pnicolastrucco@gmail.com |
536 | Dr. Sophie Clayton | United States of America | sclayton@uw.edu |
537 | Mr. Sanchit Mehta | United States of America | mehta.sanchit@gmail.com |
538 | Mr. Kieran Curran | United Kingdom | kieranfcurran@gmail.com |
539 | Dr. Ben Webber | United Kingdom | b.webber@uea.ac.uk |
540 | Ms. Annie Bourbonnais | Canada | abourbonnais@whoi.edu |
541 | Dr. C. Gabriela Mayorga Adame | Mexico | oceangb@gmail.com |
542 | Professor. Raghu Murtugudde | United States of America | ragu@essic.umd.edu |
543 | Dr. School Of Environmental Sciences | United Kingdom | g.malin@uea.ac.uk |
544 | Dr. Zvi Steiner | United Kingdom | zvika.steiner@mail.huji.ac.il |
545 | Dr. Amanda Netburn | United States of America | amandanetburn@gmail.com |
546 | Dr. Mahyar Mohtadi | Germany | mmohtadi@marum.de |
547 | Dr. Viviane V. Menezes | United States of America | vmenezes@whoi.edu |
548 | Dr. Jeremy Werdell | United States of America | jeremy.werdell@nasa.gov |
549 | Dr. Andrew Babbin | United States of America | babbin@mit.edu |
550 | Dr. JèRôMe Harlay | Reunion | jharlay@gmail.com |
551 | Dr. Alison M Macdonald | United States of America | amacdonald@whoi.edu |
552 | Ms. Jessie Gardner | United Kingdom | jessie.gardner@uea.ac.uk |
553 | Miss. Anna Belcher | United Kingdom | A.Belcher@noc.soton.ac.uk |
554 | Dr. Alex Baker | United Kingdom | alex.baker@uea.ac.uk |
555 | Ms. Shannon Rauch | United States of America | srauch@whoi.edu |
556 | Dr. Hanna Farnelid | Sweden | hannafarnelid@gmail.com |
557 | Dr. Diane Stoecker | United States of America | stoecker@umces.edu |
558 | Dr. David Fields | United States of America | dfields@bigelow.org |
559 | Dr. Elena Garcia-Martin | United Kingdom | enmagarciamartin@gmail.com |
560 | Professor. Amit Tandon | United States of America | atandon@umassd.edu |
561 | Dr. Amala Mahadevan | United States of America | amala@whoi.edu |
562 | Dr. Chandranath Basak | United States of America | cbasak@ldeo.columbia.edu |
563 | Dr. Helga Do Rosario Gomes | United States of America | HELGA@LDEO.COLUMBIA.EDU |
564 | Dr. Joaquim I. Goes | United States of America | jig@ldeo.columbia.edu |
565 | Dr. Carolin LöScher | Denmark | cloescher@biology.sdu.dk |
566 | Dr. Christoph Beier | Germany | christoph.beier@fau.de |
567 | Dr. Ed Urban | United States of America | ed.urban@scor-int.org |
568 | Professor. Nicole Aberle-Malzahn | Norway | nicole.aberle-malzahn@ntnu.no |
569 | Dr. Benjamin Kuerten | Saudi Arabia | kuertenb@googlemail.com |
570 | Dr. Jamileh Javidpour | Germany | jjavid@geomar.de |
571 | Professor. Adrian Matthews | United Kingdom | a.j.matthews@uea.ac.uk |
572 | Dr. Heiner Dietze | Germany | hdietze@geomar.de |
573 | Dr. Johannes Karstensen | Germany | jkarstensen@geomar.de |
574 | Dr. Ben Murray Milligan | United Kingdom | b.milligan@unsw.edu.au |
575 | Professor. Hermann Bange | Germany | hbange@geomar.de |
576 | Mr. Anoop Ashok Nayak | India | aanayak1991@gmail.com |
577 | Dr. Shailesh Nayak | India | shailesh@moes.gov.in |
578 | Dr. Jenson V George | India | jensonvgeorge@gmail.com |
579 | Mr. Shrikant Pargaonkar | India | shrikant@caos.iisc.ernet.in |
580 | Mr. Seelanki Vivek | India | vivek.s@caos.iisc.ernet.in |
581 | Ms. Ambica Behara | India | ambicabehara@gmail.com |
582 | Dr. Neema | India | cpneema@gmail.com |
583 | Dr. Rajan Sivaramakrishnan | India | rajan.ncaor@gmail.com |
584 | Dr. Intan Suci Nurhati | Indonesia | inta007@lipi.go.id