HYCOM vs RAMA Currents

Research Moored Array for African-Asian-Australian Monsoon Analysis and Prediction (RAMA) is an array of buoys for a comprehensive, long-term, high-quality, real-time measurements in the Indian Ocean suitable for climate research and forecasting. Here we make use of the currents from these moored buoys to validate the currents simulated by HYCOM by interpolating the 1/4$ ^{th}$ and 1/12$ ^{th}$ degree resolution model currents to the time of sampling and location of the buoys. In order to assess the realism of the simulation of different oceanic parameters, below described statistical parameters viz. Mean Error (ME), Root Mean Square Difference (RMSD) Correlation (CORR) and non dimensional Skill Score (SS) following Kara et. al 2008.

$\displaystyle ME= {\overline{X}}-{\overline{Y}}$ (1)

$\displaystyle RMSD = \left[{1\over{n}} {\sum\limits^{N}_{i=1}} (Y_i - X_i)^2 \right] ^{1\over{2}}$ (2)

$\displaystyle CORR = {\sum\limits^{N}_{i=1}} {(X_i - \overline{X}) (Y_i-\overline{Y})/\sigma X \sigma Y}$ (3)

$\displaystyle \hspace{-1cm} SS= R^{2}-\underbrace{\left[R-(\sigma_Y/\sigma_X)\right]^{2}}-\underbrace{\left[R-(\overline{Y}-\overline{X})/\sigma_X\right]^{2}}$ (4)