Parameter High Low Region& Processes
RMSD 1-2 0-.5 Associated with High values:- Thermocline Ridge(40-70E , 10S to 0) ( air-sea interaction)( NOV-JUNE). Western Arabian Sea ( upwelling) (MAY-AUG) Northern BoB( Mar-Apr, May-Jun; Nov-Dec(River run -off) Southern Ocean and particularly south eastern IO( eddies and Agulhas rings) Regions Associated with Lows: Central AS and Central BoB- All months
BIAS 0.5 to 2 /-.5to -2 0 to 0.5 /-.5 to 0 Model is warmer: Eastern Indian Ocean and Norhten BoB spreading to south and Warm pool area during Jun-aug( Monsoon) Southern Indian Ocean and Auglhas region: associated with eddy activities Model is colder: At theromcline ridge region and western AS through out year.
Correl 0.6 to .8 (med) &.9 to 1(high) 0 .0- .5 Mediun to High southern Ocean and south western AS centrak EQ IO. Low BoB and EEIO JAN-Feb High in AS and BoB more high WAS, MAR-APR, May-JUN: Good in AS and SWIO. JUL-AUG poor over all except in east of Madagascar SEP-OCT: Improves in AS and BOB and also in WEIO NOV-DEC: NAS and BoB SWIO SIO
STDV     In general STDV of model and OBS are matching well for all months
Covariance:     Highest values are seen at WAS during MAR-APR and it get limited to south during MAY-JUN