Gridded Fields Comparisons with EN3-Data

For comparing spatial fields of temperature we use EN3 - (ENSEMBLES: quality controlled in situ ocean temperature and salinity profiles) from Met Office Hadley Centre observations datasets. Introduction The EN3 dataset originates from processing and quality control development performed for the EU ENSEMBLES and ENACT projects, hence the "EN" in the name. We selected version EN3_V2a. This version has the same expendable bathythermograph (XBT) bias corrections as version EN3_v1c i.e. it has not had time-varying corrections applied .(Guinehut, S., C. Coatanoan, A.-L. Dhomps, P.-Y. Le Traon and G. Larnicol, 2009. On the use of satellite altimeter data in Argo quality control, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 26, 395-402, DOI: 10.1175/2008JTECHO648.1)
