This information requires expert interpretation and is intended as guidance RTSP-INDIA-20130613-1647-002 (TYPE - I) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BULLETIN 2 REGIONAL TSUNAMI ADVISORY SERVICE PROVIDER RTSP INDIA (ITEWC) issued at: 1659 UTC Thursday 13 June 2013 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ... REVISED EARTHQUAKE INFORMATION ... 1. EARTHQUAKE INFORMATION (Revised) RTSP INDIA detected an earthquake with the following revised information: Magnitude: 6.8 Mw(mB) (Moderate) Depth: 10 km Date: 13 Jun 2013 Origin Time: 1647 UTC Latitude: 10.04 S Longitude: 107.28 E Location: South of Java, Indonesia 2. EVALUATION Earthquakes of this size sometimes have potential to generate tsunamis. However, so far there is no confirmation about the triggering of a tsunami. An investigation is under way to determine if a tsunami has been triggered. RTSP INDIA will monitor sea level gauges and report if any tsunami wave activity has occurred. 3. ADVICE This bulletin is being issued as advice. Only national/state/local authorities and disaster management officers have the authority to make decisions regarding the official threat and warning status in their coastal areas and any action to be taken in response. For more detailed information, please refer to the advisories issued by respective National Tsunami Warning Centers (NTWCs) of IOTWS member states. The feedback received from the NTWC for the respective updated threat status of their area of responsibility can be found at: 4. UPDATES No further bulletins will be issued by RTSP INDIA for this event unless other information becomes available. Other RTSPs may issue additional information at: RTSP AUSTRALIA: RTSP INDONESIA: In case of conflicting information from RTSPs or the IAS (PTWC, JMA), the more conservative information should be used for safety. 5. CONTACT INFORMATION Indian Tsunami Early Warning Centre (ITEWC) Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) Address:"Ocean Valley", Pragathi Nagar (BO), Nizampet (SO), Hyderabad - 500 090, India. Tel: 91-40-23895011 Fax: 91-40-23895012 Email: Website: END OF BULLETIN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------